Prayer Warriors - I need you!!


Well-Known Member
My DH interviewed for a job today, he has been doing temp work to keep us going but he is miserable and the work isn't steady, so some weeks he gets nothing. He is one of those kids who was almost a statistic but he joined the military and got the discipline and went to college and now feels that his degree is wasted because he can't find a job. It really affects his happiness which in turn affects mine and reduces my focus on my school work.

There are 9 finalists for the position. The 2nd interview is next week, the decision the week after. This job will not only help us financially, but will allow DH to make valuable connections in his field.

Please, please, please help me pray that he gets it! Unemployment is high in this economy and he has been stuck in purgatory - jobs say he is either too qualified or under qualified.

Spare a prayer.

I know how he feels. Don't worry God will provide. Saying prayers for you and yours.
I have been there and I understand his frustrations. Working temp can be so uncertain and adds extra stress.

I stand with you in prayer for your husband. My prayer is that he obtains the position that he is interviewing for. I also pray that God will enlarge his territory and place in him the right places to make connections with others in his field.

not sure abt the warrior part...still working on that! :)
but praying for you anyway..
knowing the Lord hears and loves
and is with you and your dh..working it all out together for the good