Prayer Requests


Well-Known Member
I have two prayer requests the first is for my former sister-in laws daughter she is suffering from an enlarged heart and she development a virus that because to effect the muscles. She is 17 and home form the hospital as of yesterday. She is very very week but nevertheless in good spirits!

The second is my bff sister who is pregnant with twins. She has gone into pre-term labor contractions and dilation of two centimeters. They have given her medicines to stop the contractions and meds to aid in maturing the babies lungs. She isn't due until mid September.

Please lift these ladies up in prayer! Thank you all!!
I love how strong your niece is, that is very inspiring. It is great to here that you bff is doing better. The prayers will not stop.
^^^ prayer without ceasing.

Birdie, please keep us posted on the progress of both. God is good!
