Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
To make an exceptionally long story short. I've been struggling with walking away from someone in my life. I know they are no good for me and I find myself doing things I would never do if they weren't in my life. God woke me up exceptionally early today and I could do nothing but pray. It's been a long time since I was brought to my knees like that. Having this person in my life will ultimately kill me and I'm serious. I ask for you prayers for my strength to keep walking without looking back. I Strength, to just keep my hand in God's hand. I ask for prayers concerning my health as a result of this person.

Thanks ladies.........................
I pray right now in Jesus name that our dear sister be set from from any bondage that will utimately destroy her. We declare she be set free in JEsus mighty name. Please God give her the strength and wisdom to pull away. All of us had to be deliver from something or somebody. We claim the victory as she has reached out in prayer in Jesus mighty name. AMEN!!!
Beautiful Lady: No one possesses your soul. No one owns you. Only God for you were bought and paid for with a price beyond riches and all that you need to affirm who you are is in God, Himself.

Look what Jesus said: " man taketh my life, least I lay it down; and if I do lay it down, I have the power to take it back up, so has my Father in Heaven have commanded me to. "

Now don't you just love that. No man owns your life or your soul. Only if you lay it down, and if you do lay it down, that's okay too, for you also have the power to take it back up, FOR - now get this, nychaelasymone, FOR your Father in Heaven has commanded you to.

Now how can you be defeated for anything. God has your back and has had it alll along. And guess what else? "You can do all things through Christ who (has) strenthened you."

I can't wait for you to see what God has ready for you. Keep going precious one. Keep going and don't look back, not even for an earring dropped on the way. For God has diamonds waiting for you.

Loving hugs and prayers...
I've prayed for you. The devil is always making our paths difficult by trying to drag us into things that we know are not good for us. But don't you forget that he has no power over you if you are lead by the Lord, for greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. Give this battle to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for you, and Jesus to mediate to God on your behalf. In the name of Jesus I bind this situation in your life and I loosen the protection and wisdom of God for you. Take authority over the devil and do the same for God has promised us that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you loosen on earth will be loosed in heaven. You are a child of God and authority has been given to you. Take hold of it and put both the devil and this person in their place. You can do this girl!!
nychaelasymone said:
To make an exceptionally long story short. I've been struggling with walking away from someone in my life. I know they are no good for me and I find myself doing things I would never do if they weren't in my life. God woke me up exceptionally early today and I could do nothing but pray. It's been a long time since I was brought to my knees like that. Having this person in my life will ultimately kill me and I'm serious. I ask for you prayers for my strength to keep walking without looking back. I Strength, to just keep my hand in God's hand. I ask for prayers concerning my health as a result of this person.

Thanks ladies.........................

Be encouraged! God woke you up so that you could pray because He wants to strengthen you to do what you must, but you have to ask Him, and be willing to really let it go. Don't even waste your time thinking about the how, just pick up and go.

Let me pray for you, my sister:

Father, we lift up nychaelasymone before You, and ask You to bless and strengthen her to do what she must do. We thank-you that with You on her side, the battle is won, and the victory is hers. The enemy has brought her into a relationship with the sole intention of destroying her life and keeping her from fulfilling her destiny, but we declare that the enemy is a LIAR, and he shall NOT rob her of her life or her purpose, but in the MIGHTY NAME of JESUS, she WILL live to declare Your Glory over her life, and she will testify that you made a way for her where there was no way.

We rebuke the spirit of fear and doubt, in the name of JESUS, and we trust and believe that you will snatch her right out of the hands of the enemy and set her feet on safe and solid ground. LORD, give her strength right now, don't let the enemy delay her any further, for no matter what he says, we declare that she will NOT die, but she will live to testify what You did for her, and where You brought her from. Let her experience be a witness for other sisters going through the same thing. We love You, oh GOD, and we say thank-you in advance, for we know that it is done, by the Power and Might in the name of Jesus, Amen.

God bless you, sweetie. :rosebud: