Prayer Request.


New Member
Ladies, I am dealing with a broken heart. I just found out that I have been deceived for a long time by someone that I loved more than anything.

I am writing to ask for prayer to give me a peaceful heart and a renewed spirit. I need some strength because I feel very alone. I also want to remind you all of this: When someone shows you who they are, believe them, the FIRST TIME. God throws pebbles before he hits you with a rock, so don't ignore the signs. I think we give people the benefit of the doubt too much, and we don't walk away quickly enough.

Please pray for me...
Camille you are in my prayers tonight. I understand deception and the feelings that come with actually finding out the truth. I was with someone and in the beginning of the relationship I was sitting over the guys house and my spirit said "do not get involved with him, get up and leave". Well I didn't listen to my spirit and endured 7 years of heartache. Sometimes people can reveal themselves for who they really are and we have to pray for discernment. I am learning on this one. I am learning and seeking God word because I will go with my own judgement and not that of my Heavenly Father. And in the end I am looking crazy like "What happened" but God had let me see the signs before the disaster. Whatever the situation "this too shall pass". I am going thru a season of lonliness right now because I had to let the person of 7 years go. It hurts but my mother once told me that in a relationship its hard to let go but as you move on each day you become stronger and stronger. There will be a strength there that you did not even realize was in you. God will let us have our way in certain situations but in the end we always turn back to him. Go back to God and lean on him during this difficult time. He is always there with open arms just waiting to love you.
There is someone who loves you far more...and of course you know Him, God our Father.

I'm sorry and I hurt along with you. You have my loving prayers.

Remember this: You lack nothing and you never will. So whatever thoughts of doubt that the enemy tries to impose upon you, will not prevail.

Hugs and blessings,

"Shimmie..." :)
ShimmieGirl said:
There is someone who loves you far more...and of course you know Him, God our Father.

I'm sorry and I hurt along with you. You have my loving prayers.

Remember this: You lack nothing and you never will. So whatever thoughts of doubt that the enemy tries to impose upon you, will not prevail.

Hugs and blessings,

"Shimmie..." :)

OH Shimmie that was right on time. Thank you for saying that.
Natasha2005 said:
Camille you are in my prayers tonight. I understand deception and the feelings that come with actually finding out the truth. I was with someone and in the beginning of the relationship I was sitting over the guys house and my spirit said "do not get involved with him, get up and leave". Well I didn't listen to my spirit and endured 7 years of heartache. Sometimes people can reveal themselves for who they really are and we have to pray for discernment. I am learning on this one. I am learning and seeking God word because I will go with my own judgement and not that of my Heavenly Father. And in the end I am looking crazy like "What happened" but God had let me see the signs before the disaster. Whatever the situation "this too shall pass". I am going thru a season of lonliness right now because I had to let the person of 7 years go. It hurts but my mother once told me that in a relationship its hard to let go but as you move on each day you become stronger and stronger. There will be a strength there that you did not even realize was in you. God will let us have our way in certain situations but in the end we always turn back to him. Go back to God and lean on him during this difficult time. He is always there with open arms just waiting to love you.

My situation only lasted 8 months, so I can only imagine your pain. Thanks for your prayers, and I'm praying for you too.
I have sent up a prayer for you. God knows best. He is the driver in this situation, sometimes we try to grab hold of the wheel, but let him do His thing (I know this can be hard at times). He loves you and He only wants what is best for you.
Camille429 said:
OH Shimmie that was right on time. Thank you for saying that.

Nothing but love, babygirl, it all comes from nothing but love. Loving you for all of who you are and more. What a treasure you are in the heart of God our Father. And the devil knows that. Yet as he is the accuser of the brethern, the devil loves playing his role to attack our self-worth.

Ha! What a fool he is for he can't prevail; as we are in the express image and love of God, and nothing can change that. So stay beautiful and just allow yourself to enjoy being held in our Father's arms, for he loves you far more than the hurt of this situation. The devil can't touch you.

Love, Shimmie....:)
God we thank you for the ability to come to you so you can mend our broken hearts we ask with your strength and love that you touch our sister even now in the name of Jesus. We pray God you will hold her close to you heart so close she will hear your heart beat . So, grateful that Daddy loves His little girls and that your little girl reach out for prayer and strength. Father do what you do best restore her 7, 10 times as much and prepare her for who you really have for her. Give her wisdom and Your love that both of yours relationships will grow even more to another height. In Jesus mighty name. AMEN!!!
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Camille, I am very sorry you are going through this. I know what it is like to be deceived by someone you love and trust, or just to find out that that person was not who you thought they were. You are in my prayers and I know that you will be a stronger woman for this experience and will find someone you can trust your heart with again. :)
I am overwhelmed by the love I'm receiving in this thread. I feel better today, and I know it's because of the prayers by you ladies. Thank you all so much. God Bless.
missvi said:
I will pray for you. I myself am dealing with a broken heart too.:)

My heart and prayers are with you too. Missvi, the Lord says, your loving works were not in vain. That you are to bear no shame or blame. For He has placed a mantle upon you for an anointing that could not be birthed with the person you were with. Your gifts would have been aborted.

Not of your own doing, but through the stress of trying time and again to make things right, when indeed you were not the cause of the other's blunders. You were not this person's temple sweeper, nor his keeper.

But says the heart of God the Father, all that you have done will not go unrewarded. For God says, He has seen your works and He is well pleased in all He's seen you do. Most of all, He is well pleased with you. But now, He has more for you and this time away is simply preparation, for what God is bringing you to.

Allow the Holy Spirit to confirm this word in your spirit. For nothing should come from man, except what the Holy Spirit leads...

God bless you, and stay alert to what the Spirit is saying to you...

Love, Shimmie...:)
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