Prayer request


New Member

I Started a thread last week in "Off topic" concerning the arsh time I am currently going through at work.

Here is the link:

I pray God to help find a solution to my situation. I really want him to intervain in my life to help me solve this issue. I am so afraid to go through all this one more week.

I need you ladies to pray for me to help me stay strong and find a solution. I also need you to pray for my coworkers.

I thank you in advance.

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Praying for you. Your coworker seems like the same person that took me through. She was close to the leaders and had them twisted around her finger that they would lean more towards her opinions and what she wanted. She had to ability to pull people into her while they turned on me. This is a spiritual battle. I went through the same thing you are going through, with the depression, fear, no interest in life or advancing. I call this, the spirit of control, manipulation, Jezebel.

I have studied this thing. It is in the bible, I think in Kings. This thing wants to destroy you and bring you down, but God will use it for His glory if you rely on Him. Allow God to work in you what He needs to do. Humble yourself under His mighty hand and let Him strengthen you in this battle. You will come out stronger and better in the end. Go to work in the peace of God. Ask the Lord to give you wisdom. Mediatate on His word. Do your best on your job.
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milaydy31, I said a prayer for you after I read both your threads. I understand how you feel, I went through something very similar last year. It's not easy, but believe that God will either move you in a better position (job) or He will move the person causing you grief. Stay strong and keep your dignity!

God Bless...

Fear not, for God is with you and He is far above what any man or woman can do or say to you.

Understand these are not just words spoken in vain. It's God's truth, that nothing and no one can harm you for they do not own nor do they direct your Destiny. God does. Only God.

:kiss: So precious one, have no fear. Be at peace and ignore what you see and hear. Be at peace for the peace is from God, for always.
