Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
I thought I'd post this in a thread because I know we have some praying ladies on here.

It is my desire(if it is God's will) that I be able to have a career/job/legit streams of income that will allow me to work till only two in the afternoon. I have three kids, and hopefully my youngest will be starting pre-k at the school in August.

I want to be able to have them come home everyday after school. Right now, they all go to the daycare/afterschool/summer program at church and I love my church family and they have been nothing but good to my babies.

But I remember as a child that I really looked forward to just going home afterschool to see my mommy and just do at home things.

Right now, the kids get dropped off before 9 am and don't get home until nearly 6 pm, they eat dinner and pretty much go to bed. That's not fun.

So, please pray with me/for me that if it is God's will, that he allow me to be able to be home and financially stable/lucrative/pressed down shaken together AND running over. so that I can be there for my kids. On the weekends, when my kids are with me, they are totally different than during the week.

Thanks in advance. luv ya.
I have been where you are... it is not easy. First of all I am and will continue to pray for you. Then I am going to PM you and share something that has helped many like us balance time and money with single parenthood.