****Prayer Request***


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies,

A position is about to become available (a lady retired) that I'm very interested in applying for. I would get a larger paycheck (and can give more to further the gospel), and it would create a more peaceful situation for me, plus I like the supervisor of that particular department (male and very nice). Will you all please pray that I get this position and that the Lord's will would be done? I'll be facing alot of competion but I beat out 90 people for the job I have now so; with the Lord all things are possible!

I will keep you all posted. :)

Your sister in Christ,

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Hello Ladies,

A position is about to become available (a lady retired) that I'm very interested in applying for. I would get a larger paycheck, and it would create a more peaceful situation for me, plus I like the supervisor of that particular department. Will you all please pray that I get this position and that the Lord's will would be done? I'll be facing alot of competion but I beat out 90 people for the job I have now so; with the Lord all things are possible!

Your sister in Christ,

It is the Lord's will that we have the very best!!! I will pray for you and believe with you for this position. You have it in Jesus name!!!
I hope you see what I see....

God bless and I look forward to your awesome testimony!

Hello Ladies,

A position is about to become available (a lady retired) that I'm very interested in applying for. I would get a larger paycheck (and can give more to further the gospel), and it would create a more peaceful situation for me, plus I like the supervisor of that particular department (male and very nice). Will you all please pray that I get this position and that the Lord's will would be done? I'll be facing alot of competion but I beat out 90 people for the job I have now so; with the Lord all things are possible!

I will keep you all posted. :)

Your sister in Christ,


Ladies they FINALLY posted the position today that had been frozen for several months. It's closes on May 9. Please pray that the Lord would open this spot for me. I work for a very mean, vindictive woman and I need relief.

She is very jealous and spiteful and I HATE being in the situation everyday. I have been patient for the last year but I will not be able to tolerate much more. I've been hanging on for this opportunity...I pray it's the Lord's will.

Ladies they FINALLY posted the position today that had been frozen for several months. It's closes on May 9. Please pray that the Lord would open this spot for me. I work for a very mean, vindictive woman and I need relief.

She is very jealous and spiteful and I HATE being in the situation everyday. I have been patient for the last year but I will not be able to tolerate much more. I've been hanging on for this opportunity...I pray it's the Lord's will.
God's will will be done in your life, this day...in Jesus name!

No weapon fashioned against you shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against you in judgment shall be condemned.

:pray: for you....

I have an interview for this position next Wen, (5/19) ladies. Please keep me in your prayers. My boss and her evil sister (nepotism is horrible in this place) DO NOT want me to have this position. I know that no man or woman can thrwart God's plan...

I have an interview for this position next Wen, (5/19) ladies. Please keep me in your prayers. My boss and her evil sister (nepotism is horrible in this place) DO NOT want me to have this position. I know that no man or woman can thrwart God's plan...
What God has for you, will be for you and NO one can pluck it out of your hands!

I will be :pray:
Praying for you VeeJee:pray: Remember the true purpose of any work is to show the world that God is at work in us. Go in there with the same mindset/ faith of the 3 Hebrew boys when they said [paraphrasing] 'Even if God does not (seem to) come through in this instance, we will still serve him!' I pray you get the right job:yep: but if you do not, you continue to be steadfast right where you are. You may be the only God the evil supervisor and her sister are seeing right now. That could be the very reason God has you there right now. I had a similar situation on a job that lasted for almost 5 years. It was pure h-e-l-l.:mwahahafire::censored: I could not see it at the time but God taught me sooooo much from it. I will never be the same! To God be the glory!
Dan 3:16-18
16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

1 Corinthians 15:58
58Therefore, my beloved (Veejee) brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
Praying for you VeeJee:pray: Remember the true purpose of any work is to show the world that God is at work in us. Go in there with the same mindset/ faith of the 3 Hebrew boys when they said [paraphrasing] 'Even if God does not (seem to) come through in this instance, we will still serve him!' I pray you get the right job:yep: but if you do not, you continue to be steadfast right where you are. You may be the only God the evil supervisor and her sister are seeing right now. That could be the very reason God has you there right now. I had a similar situation on a job that lasted for almost 5 years. It was pure h-e-l-l.:mwahahafire::censored: I could not see it at the time but God taught me sooooo much from it. I will never be the same! To God be the glory!
Dan 3:16-18
16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to the king, "O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

1 Corinthians 15:58
58Therefore, my beloved (Veejee) brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Amen Prudent! I know that the Lord placed me there for a reason. People know Who I represent by my actions not just my words. It is easy to read the Word but it is not easy to still remain kind to nitpicking, hateful, people...especially if they are trying to sabotage you. I know who is in control and if God has it for me they surely can't stop it! Thanks for the scriptures and your prayers! I really appreciate it. :yep:
Re: ****Prayer Request*** ***Update***

Hello ladies,

I have an update for you. I didn't not get the position I applied for, they gave it to a lady that had 16 years experience (outside employee). However, 2 weeks later (Around June 1) they called the woman they offered the position to and told her they didn't have enough in their budget for the job AFTER she had already relocated for the job (this is local government).

I put my 2 week notice in on June 2 to leave June 18. Got an email from the Federal government saying I would be contacted for an interview on June 3. Interviewed on June 17, quit on June 18 and GOT AN OFFER ON JUNE 25 FOR A FEDERAL JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! making more $ that the job I would've gotten!!

The week after I left they cut/eliminated 9 vacant positions and laid off 5 people.

I still can't believe I got a FEDERAL gig in 6 weeks! I have to give praise to the Lord because I'm not giving you all the detail and timing..but the Lord's precision is AMAZING!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

Thanks ladies for your prayers!!! Prayer really does change things!
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I got nuthin' to say but HALLELUJAH Jesus!
You should consider sharing this in one of those praise threads in the CF.:yep: There are a lot of ladies, looking for work, trying to figure out career paths, needing encouragement, and just needing to hear of the incredible faithfulness of our GOD.
**singing** (Y'all know I am always somewhere singing:giggle:) An incredible God deserves incredible praise!
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