prayer request

golden bronze

New Member
Please pray for me. I know I am near to where God needs me, and the road is very rough. I ask you to also be in intercession for my sister, against the spirit of bitterness, and to focus on what God has for her.

Thank you, and God bless each and every household here.

In jesus name
I will agree with you in prayer for your sister. Not a day goes by that I wish my little sis was around. I'm glad that you treasure your sister, even as she goes through her trials, to keep her lifted up in prayer.

Praying for you golden bronze that God will give your sister peace and continue to guide and mold you into the woman He wants you to be. I pray too that you will continue to be a comfort to her and that He will shower down all the blessings He has in store for you & your sis.

God Bless you too.
Hey Beautiful Bronze... I will indeed pray for you and your sister.

Bronze you have such a loving heart for your sister. You are to her as Ruth was to Naomi...faithful seeking nothing in return nor for herself.

This how you have always been for your sister from the very beginning; always thinking and praying for her good and not your own.

I'm praying for you to have the peace that has never been known before to embrace both you and your sister and that you will be completely confident and will fear not whatever has been 'unknown'.

Love for Love is the blessing among many that God is hovering over you.

I don't think you are aware that God has refined and polished you as the finest of his jewels surrounded in golden bronze beauty and brilliance.

God bless you ... in my heart and prayers you are... :Rose:

praying for you!!! decree that the spirit of peace will begin to work in the minds of all involved.