Prayer request!


Well-Known Member
One of my friends got shot a few days ago. He's in the ICU on a respirator with pneumonia!. Luckily he is able to recognize family and friends. Please pray for a speedy recovery. He's a smart young man, with a lot of life in him left. Ask for god to shield him from anymore hurt! I beg of you!! Thank you, everyone!
I will definitely pray for your friend. no weapon formed against him shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus! AMEN.
One of my friends got shot a few days ago. He's in the ICU on a respirator with pneumonia!. Luckily he is able to recognize family and friends. Please pray for a speedy recovery. He's a smart young man, with a lot of life in him left. Ask for god to shield him from anymore hurt! I beg of you!! Thank you, everyone!
I will be praying for your friend, his family and for you as well. :bighug:
One of my friends got shot a few days ago. He's in the ICU on a respirator with pneumonia!. Luckily he is able to recognize family and friends. Please pray for a speedy recovery. He's a smart young man, with a lot of life in him left. Ask for god to shield him from anymore hurt! I beg of you!! Thank you, everyone!

Indeed we will pray for you. I pray not only for his strength, but for his complete and total healing of his body and his mind and his soul.

Dear Lord, keep this young man close to your heart and soul. Let him know that you are the very one who is in control and that no harm will come near him, no evil shall befall him and nothing shall by any means hurt him. That he will recover and shall love and honor you all the days of his life.

Keep him under your loving care everywhere he goes in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing the prayers of Strength81 for her cousin and that she will grow stronger each day when she comes to you to pray. In Jesus' Name again, Amen and Amen.

God bless you Strength81. God is with you and your family :Rose:
Indeed we will pray for you. I pray not only for his strength, but for his complete and total healing of his body and his mind and his soul.

Dear Lord, keep this young man close to your heart and soul. Let him know that you are the very one who is in control and that no harm will come near him, no evil shall befall him and nothing shall by any means hurt him. That he will recover and shall love and honor you all the days of his life.

Keep him under your loving care everywhere he goes in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing the prayers of Strength81 for her cousin and that she will grow stronger each day when she comes to you to pray. In Jesus' Name again, Amen and Amen.

God bless you Strength81. God is with you and your family :Rose:

Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
Thanks for that! Although I know those words to be true, It really helps alot to read it!!!!!!

thank YOU for petitioning us to pray

James 1:22
“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

^^so true. if we believe that prayer changes things, then we must pray and join others in agreement for where 2 are gathered the LORD is there also :grin:

I was in a baddddddddd car crash. it was literally me versus a car and the asphalt. I survived praise God. I believe He will provide for your dear friend as well. God said He will be with us forever just like He was with Moses. He said that those who mourn will be blessed and comforted. :)
Thanks everyone! Keep the prayers coming, it's very much appreciated. My sister let him know that I had you guys praying for him, he put his thumb up. He's grateful. The doctors are slowly trying to get him off the respirator. I am CONVINCED he will be breathing on his own this week. I am speaking it into existence.

I have created a timeline of his healing and I'm sticking to it! I believe, I believe, I believe. I truly love him and want him to get well soon. He's such a magnificent human being. Everyone who is fortunate enough to know him is truly blessed.

Creolesugarface, I thank God for your survival and recovery. He is ALWAYS good. God is sooo good sometimes it hurts! Thank you for sharing your experience!

I will keep you guys updated on his miraculous outcome! Be blessed everyone!

I am such a believer in what the lord can do. Because of this, he is performing exactly what I have asked for in prayer. My friend is currently off the respirator and breathing on his own (with an oxygen mask)....thank you jesus, my lord and savoir! His condition is improving so much. He's looking better and is healing as the day passes. Although, he's is still in ICU. I plan to pray even harder now. He is not over this hurdle just yet, but even when he's out of it (as he soon will be...I BELIEVE) I have to pray as if he was still in it!!! Through his accident my faith/relationship with god has strengthened. There is a blessing in every lesson, for real. For months I have been complaining about not being close enough to God. I was feeling like a backslidder, now I can't stop talking to HIM...thank you!!

We are very grateful and appreciative of your prayers. Because of your prayers he is getting better. Please keep him in your prays daily. Thank you all. I will continue to keep everyone updated. I know how important testimonies are!
Praying for your friend and all of those your lives connect to. Praying for his complete recovery, for all medications and supplements to be empowered to work w/o negative side effects, for his full testimony and a life dedicated to fulfilling God's will.

Hello everyone. God is truly amazing. My friend has been transfered from the ICU. He is now in a regular room! Praise the lord! He still cannot move his legs and he can't talk because the respiarotor has caused some scariing in his throat. I'm not too sure about the specifics on that but I will find out more later! I am sure he will get his voice back soon. I'm not worried. I've been praying daily and I'm faitful. God deserves all the glory. Thank you for your prayers. I hope you guys continue to keep my friend in your prayers!!