Prayer Request...


Well-Known Member
Two police officers lost their lives today in Atlanta. They were working security at an apartment complex and were shot and killed in the street by a man they were frisking.

Both were married with four children.:sad: They worked this job off duty because there was increasing crime in the area. They were reportedly very good officers, husbands, and fathers.

Please pray for the families they left behind, as well as the Dekalb police department and the community.


Officer Ricky Bryant, Jr., 26​


Officer Eric Barker, 33​
This truly breaks my heart. I will definitely keep them in prayer.
Thank you ladies!

Some good news...they've caught two of the suspects. Apparently there is one more they are looking for, but the police are not taking this lightly, so I know this last person will be caught quickly and the families can have a little bit of peace. It's a heartbreaking situation all around.
Thank you ladies!

Some good news...they've caught two of the suspects. Apparently there is one more they are looking for, but the police are not taking this lightly, so I know this last person will be caught quickly and the families can have a little bit of peace. It's a heartbreaking situation all around.

Glad to hear that!!!

OT: I had a dream about you last night. If you are anything like you were in my dream, I can't wait to meet you. Q
This is disheartening. It seems as though the crime rate has increased in Metro-Atlanta over the past couple of years. I will keep their family in my prayers.
This saddens my heart, but thanks to God the criminals are being apprehended! The families are in my prayers as well.
DH and I were talking about this last night. I was really touched by the widow crying on the news. My heart broke for her because she said her husband was her best friend and her rock. Now 8 children and two families are hurting.

They are all in my prayers.
DH and I were talking about this last night. I was really touched by the widow crying on the news. My heart broke for her because she said her husband was her best friend and her rock. Now 8 children and two families are hurting.

They are all in my prayers.

I's so sad. Two promising young lives, good men, stolen from their families.:nono: It hits close to my heart because I grew up in Dekalb. It was nothing like this when we lived there. We had a community, but it seems like a different element has moved in and taken over. The whole community needs a healing.