Prayer Request


New Member

I am a humble servant of God and I ask you to pray for me this evening.

I have been stressed over a number of things this weekend and I am worrying. I know that worrying is NOT of GOD.

I have in-laws visiting this weekend (short notice) and I had reserved the time to get other things done. My house is not in tip-top condition. I also have to sing a solo in church---done this many, many times, but in-laws will be there and I am nervous. When I am nervous, I lose my joy. And especially during this time of year, I want the joy and peace that Jesus and the Holy Spirit of God can bring.

Please pray for me.
I will pray for you. Hopefully God can use this situation as a way for you to minister to your in-laws, not have you lose your joy.

I am a humble servant of God and I ask you to pray for me this evening.

I have been stressed over a number of things this weekend and I am worrying. I know that worrying is NOT of GOD.

I have in-laws visiting this weekend (short notice) and I had reserved the time to get other things done. My house is not in tip-top condition. I also have to sing a solo in church---done this many, many times, but in-laws will be there and I am nervous. When I am nervous, I lose my joy. And especially during this time of year, I want the joy and peace that Jesus and the Holy Spirit of God can bring.

Please pray for me.
:kiss: Precious Mel...let it all go. Just let it all go. The house, the cares, the song, the 'in-laws', all of which crept into 'time' that you wanted for your own; and needed, just some time 'alone'. Afterall, you need the rest and a break from everyone else's demands upon you.

But you can be sure that God is right there in the very midst of you and you shall not be shaken, unraveled, moved, or hindered. For all that you need and could ever want for this time has been rendered from Heaven above wrapped in God's love. He will take you through all that you've been called to do.

What should be done, will be done, nothing more and nothing less. For all that you do will be your very best, no matter who's there.

Sing in peace, Mel. Sing in Heavenly's God's gift to you. His total and sweet Heavenly peace.

:bighug: Happy Jesus to you, angel... :giveheart:
Just said a prayer for you Melody. Trust Him to guide and direct your path. You will get through this. Peace & Blessings!