Prayer request


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I am in need of some prayers. My mom is going in for a checkup next week for her enlarged thyroid. We are hoping it's not cancerous. I love my mom dearly and can't picture my life without her. I am in desperate need of prayers for her to have a clean bill of health. Please Keep my mom in your prayers. Thanks a bunch everyone.
Hi Strenght81,

I just prayed for you and your mother. I will continue to believe God that the doctors find nothing wrong with her. Please keep us updated.

Your Sis in Christ
thank you for your prayers. I will definately keep you updated. Her appointment is on tuesday. Thanks again.
Strength81, I am keeping your mom and you as well in my prayers. Your member name is strength for a reason. One because you probably drew that from your mother and the other because the Lord does not give us a spirit of fear. Trust in the Lord and know that all is well. Stay encouraged my sister! (((HUGS)))
I would like to thank everyone that prayed for my mom. Her results came out negative for thyroid cancer. I am so happy. The only problem is that she has to have surgery for her goiter. The doctor didn't even give us a alternative, she immediately said surgery and that's final. They told us to come back in two weeks and i said hell no. We determine what will be done not them. I have to find an alternative and that's God whatever the lord wants we'll do. thank you all.