Prayer Request


Active Member
Before I ask for this please let it be known that I am not at all religious but I do believe in God. I am having problems in my life and it involves my child.

The father of my child has just dismissed his own daughter. He has basically informed me that after three weeks if not calling to even check on his child, he is not gonna be responsible for her in any way not emotionally or financially. He was not like this when I said I didnt want to have children and he wasnt like this when I wanted to put my daughter up for adoption. He has now said that he doesnt want to be a parent and has left me and my family to basically support my daughter.

I am stressed out beyond belief and I need prayer.

Thanks all
i will pray for your family :) and you keep praying also go to family court for help with getting money for her donot let him get away with that he will need her one day
mystery29 said:
Before I ask for this please let it be known that I am not at all religious but I do believe in God. I am having problems in my life and it involves my child.

The father of my child has just dismissed his own daughter. He has basically informed me that after three weeks if not calling to even check on his child, he is not gonna be responsible for her in any way not emotionally or financially. He was not like this when I said I didnt want to have children and he wasnt like this when I wanted to put my daughter up for adoption. He has now said that he doesnt want to be a parent and has left me and my family to basically support my daughter.

I am stressed out beyond belief and I need prayer. Thanks all

Sweet one, I'm so sorry for your hurt. This is something that 'religion' can cure...only the loving heart of God who is with you right now.

You are not alone in this. Although those words may seem 'cliche', your heart is real and it matters; and you have not be abandoned by the One who loves you most.

May I say this? What a strong and wonderful character you have. Your daughter could not have been given a more wonderful gift, such as you are. Not only did you chose to give her life, you also chose to sustain it. God is going to bless you far greater than it feels to you at this moment.

Trust me, but more trust Him, our Father above. I know 'abandonment' and yet I live to give testimony that it didn't stop me from living or loving.

So in Jesus' name, I pray the overflow of love to be poured out upon and in your heart for the peace of God to overtake every ounce of hurt and despair, and wash it all away.
Dear one, for whom we pray...although this man left, you are loved beyond any measure that he could have ever given God. God who is not religion...just love.

Loving Hugs....;)
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Father, I bind the spirit of division right now that has come upon this family and loose love and peace in Jesus name. I pray God for our sister who is in a crisis right now after being abandon by her child's father. God I do not know how you do it but I know you can heal and provide peace in the midst of the storm. So, God right now in the name of Jesus through the power that is invested in me I command healing to come to that house and her child in Jesus name. Father you said not us that all things work together for the good for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. All things include the good, the bad and the ugly. So we cry out, plead and beg on our sister's behalf for comfort, healing and direction. God you provide and guide her into YOUR peace. We ask this because we know you can do everthing but fail we decreed it to be so in mighty, ontime, majestic, name of Jesus we pray. AMEN!!!
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mystery29 said:
Before I ask for this please let it be known that I am not at all religious but I do believe in God. I am having problems in my life and it involves my child.

The father of my child has just dismissed his own daughter. He has basically informed me that after three weeks if not calling to even check on his child, he is not gonna be responsible for her in any way not emotionally or financially. He was not like this when I said I didnt want to have children and he wasnt like this when I wanted to put my daughter up for adoption. He has now said that he doesnt want to be a parent and has left me and my family to basically support my daughter.

I am stressed out beyond belief and I need prayer.

Thanks all

First, know that you are not alone. Many women walk this path daily. But the GOD who is LORD over all watches and has a plan for everybody. Be encouraged. No matter who turns their back on you, GOD will never forsake you or your daughter.

As to this young man, whether he wants to or not he is obligated to take care of his child, in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of GOD. Please take him to court. If he won't handle his responsibility on his own, then let the courts force him to do what is right. No, he probably won't be a father to your daughter because he doesn't want to be. But he still has to help pay for her care. Don't be intimidated. Do what is right for your child. We'll pray that GOD touches his heart. Be blessed. :Rose:
Thanks for all your support. I would be lying if I said that i was taking this easy but Im not my stress level is through the roof. What a terrible time to give up on being a parent right around Christmas. But Ill stay strong because I have to for my daughter.
mystery29 said:
Thanks for all your support. I would be lying if I said that i was taking this easy but Im not my stress level is through the roof. What a terrible time to give up on being a parent right around Christmas. But Ill stay strong because I have to for my daughter.

It's going to be okay... Yes, it is. It's going to be okay. :yep:

Don't let this ruin the joy you have with your new baby. God is already working this out.

mystery29 said:
Before I ask for this please let it be known that I am not at all religious but I do believe in God. I am having problems in my life and it involves my child.

The father of my child has just dismissed his own daughter. He has basically informed me that after three weeks if not calling to even check on his child, he is not gonna be responsible for her in any way not emotionally or financially. He was not like this when I said I didnt want to have children and he wasnt like this when I wanted to put my daughter up for adoption. He has now said that he doesnt want to be a parent and has left me and my family to basically support my daughter.

I am stressed out beyond belief and I need prayer.

Thanks all

Wow this broke my heart reading it. First I don't consider myself religious either, instead I have a relationship with Christ. GOD is soo awesome and soo faithful even when others aren't. Know that HE loves you and your child. If you need to vent or someone to encourage you, feel free to pm me anytime.

Lord I just thank you for your daughter mystery29 for posting and requesting prayer. I thank you for her child Lord and I am believing in you to move in their lives. We know that satan is busy and wants them to suffer defeat but we claim the ultimate victory right now. I just ask that you meet her in her secret place and let her know that she is not alone. Give her the peace that could only come from you. Continue to lead and protect her and her child Lord and bless those family members who have stepped in to help her. I ask a special blessing over her child's father. Speak to his heart Lord and help him to be the man and father you called him to be. I ask all of these in JESUS' name. Amen

Mystery29 I will add you and your daughter to my church's prayer list. Remember I am here if you need me. Take care Q