Prayer request


New Member
I ask that everyone keep me and my husband in your prayers. I have an abdominal ultrasound tomorrow because there was a small mass detected. Thanks in advance for the prayers.
I bind that mass right now in the name of Jesus and I speak death to it in Jesus mighty name. I say to your body through the blood of Jesus to function the way GOd design you. I speak to the blood, the muscles, the cells, the liver and everything else God put in you bow down in the name of Jesus. I speak to the doctors and nurses who will touch your body that God will electrify them with His anointing power for you in name of Jesus. I declare victory over the enemy in Jesus, mighty, mighty name. AMEN!!!

Consider it done. Speak to you body even now to function according to GOd word and anoint your body with bless oil each every day.
I prayed for you and hope all went well. I didn't realize that I had not posted soon as I saw your request.
Lord you said with faith the size of a mustard seed, that one can move a mountain! I know that you can do anything and all is possible in your name. Father God in the name of Jesus I ask that you give this woman a miracle so devine and you be the Dr and you make the medical judgement upone this woman. Have you way lord.....and give this woman and her husband courage, wisdom and undoubtful faith to know that this too shall pass....
