Prayer request: Why some people always got someone to count on and others don't?


Well-Known Member
As some of you know, I just got myself an apartment. I haven't had my own place since my dad passed away 4 years ago. I mainly stayed by mom and granny's side to take care of them. I had stopped working(well, I had a bad employer who didn't pay me for 5 weeks and loved psychological and verbal abuse). Anyway, I've been taking care of mom and granny to a point that I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. I rarely get help at the house despite having my sister in law, and older bro living with me. Mom has back problem and often she can do things but just doesn't. I asked for help, discussed it and everyone keeps having great excuses as to why they can't do anything.

So I decided to get my own apartment. I have another older sibling who is living in his own apartment. He encouraged me to do so. He seemed to be helpful. He told me that he would pay the first month of rent in exchange I would help him out renew his Driver's license( since he was born in another province..the one I'm moving to.) Well, he paid the rent. This friday,He told me to help him out by giving mom 600$,because he's limited to taking out a certain amount of money per week.Well I got a payday loan and gave mom the money expecting to be paid back on sunday or monday. Today , he tells me thanks, but I cant refund you cause I don't have any money.So now, I have no money to get a bus pass, i.e no way to get to work. I'm now in a position where I might be able to cover August's rent..but if i move out I will have to do without food.

In other words i got screwed. See this is why I trust no one. Because I always get screwed. Why is it some folks go in life with people they can trust and receive help from other and other people don't!
I'm gonna need a miracle to make it through pass july 1st. Please pray for me.
My dear sister in christ,God who has been watching over you ever since you have been born will not let yoou down now,because he is a merciful God who is always ready to help us when we least expect.

God will send you an unexpected help just believe you will make it through.

God is with you.
I understand that you're upset about what happened, but please try not to compare yourself to others around you. You have no idea what their journey is about. God has a unique plan for each of us and each experience, test, or trial in your life is being used to develop you into the woman God has called you to be.

Please know that I am no judging you, but speaking from experience. The last thing you want to do is become consumed with why others seem to have ____________ (fill in the blank, whether it is something tangible or support) Be encouraged and maybe you can write down all the situations in which you feel you were "screwed" and really analyze the common factors in those situations. Eliminate the common factors. I sincerely pray that you feel better and are able to discern when to be helpful w/o being self sacrificing in the future.
I agree with the other ladies. Do not limit God by your own perceptions and your past. God is much bigger than that and is ALL knowing.

I've had those same worries and anxieties of feeling that I wouldn't make it to such and such day/month -- but God always came through :yep:! Whenever I look back to those days and the fear that surrounded my mind and life I just thank God for doing only what He could do for me.

As Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.”

Just remember that if a miracle were easy it wouldn't be called a miracle.

Be Encouraged BlackHairDiva,

As some of you know, I just got myself an apartment. I haven't had my own place since my dad passed away 4 years ago. I mainly stayed by mom and granny's side to take care of them. I had stopped working(well, I had a bad employer who didn't pay me for 5 weeks and loved psychological and verbal abuse). Anyway, I've been taking care of mom and granny to a point that I'm physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. I rarely get help at the house despite having my sister in law, and older bro living with me. Mom has back problem and often she can do things but just doesn't. I asked for help, discussed it and everyone keeps having great excuses as to why they can't do anything.

So I decided to get my own apartment. I have another older sibling who is living in his own apartment. He encouraged me to do so. He seemed to be helpful. He told me that he would pay the first month of rent in exchange I would help him out renew his Driver's license( since he was born in another province..the one I'm moving to.) Well, he paid the rent. This friday,He told me to help him out by giving mom 600$,because he's limited to taking out a certain amount of money per week.Well I got a payday loan and gave mom the money expecting to be paid back on sunday or monday. Today , he tells me thanks, but I cant refund you cause I don't have any money.So now, I have no money to get a bus pass, i.e no way to get to work. I'm now in a position where I might be able to cover August's rent..but if i move out I will have to do without food.

In other words i got screwed. See this is why I trust no one. Because I always get screwed. Why is it some folks go in life with people they can trust and receive help from other and other people don't!
I'm gonna need a miracle to make it through pass july 1st. Please pray for me.
Remember when Judas betrayed Jesus? Yet God........still saw Jesus through. Jesus came out with total victory.

Little one, you've been through a lot; you've given a lot; and a lot has been pulled from you with so little in return from those pulling.

Yet, God has so far much more to give you than those who have failed you and have taken from you. So very much more. Let go of the 'feeling's of betrayal and instead allow the joy of the Lord to come into your heart and allow God to show you, what He wants to do for you. I can guarantee you that you will not be short changed, neither dissapointed. You're in the best place ever in your life. You are in the place of victory and blessings that God has for you alone.

Rejoice :meme: in Him and allow no one to take your joy. For enough has been taken as it is. Give up your joy in the Lord to and for no one.

Be blessed, God is pouring out His best upon you. Look up for your salvation draws nigh unto you and it will not miss it's target to where God has sent it.... all upon you. :Rose:
