Prayer Request - Weight Loss / Health


Active Member
Hello everyone! This is my first post in this forum.
I am requesting prayer for weight loss. You guys, for me, my weight issues feel almost equated to a drug abuse problem. Allow me to explain: I eat fast food and don't work out, and eat late (and all the other things that I do knowing they are wrong and contributing to my overweight status) and yes I CONTINUE TO DO THEM. It feels similar to a person on drugs who knows that they are causing themselves harm by doing the drug, but just can't help themselves. I am at my wit's end! I have prayed about this at least 100 times...each time asking God for strength to do the right thing and resist temptation and the willpower to actually hit the gym (i have a membership and a gym near my house)...I just don't go often. (I've gone like 10 times in the last month, approximately). I've prayed for God to give me a craving for healthier foods instead of junk food. Guys, I just don't know what to do.

I quote scriptures like Phillipians 4:13 to try and keep me on the right track. But it only works for a week or so. Please guys, I need help. I don't know what to do. I feel like i'm getting depressed. I don't like to go clothes shopping anymore because I hate that I'm bigger in size and have to shop at plus size stores. My family has a history of diabetes and heart disease and I am really scared of that stuff. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to make a change for the better and I want to do it now. I just am afraid that I'll fall off the wagon again. *sigh* You guys, I need some serious prayer and intervention.

Thanks for listening and I thank you for your prayers.

I will be praying for you. I'm going through the same situation. I have gained 35 pounds over the past 2-3 years and I can't fit hardly anything, I hate going shopping now (loved it before) because of the same issue. Is there anyway possible for you to get a trainer to help you out or set food/workout schedule? My family was worried about my weight gain and set me up with a trainer this past week while at home and I feel like they make you more accountable of what you are doing. They're always asking you what you ate and doing measurements and they work out with you. Or if not, can you get a friend or family member to work out with you? I feel like if I'm with someone else whose motivated I can't quit.

Believe me, I know how you feel. I've sat down and eaten a whole box of pizza on several occassions...

And the bad thing is, I know all the right things to do for good health. I have so many books and worked on and off with trainers, have food plans, etc. So if you need any of that I can PM you. You definently do not want to give yourself an additional risk factor for diabetes or heart disease if it is already hereditary (along with the fact of being AA).

Also there are online communities such as that is like an online support group (there's a LHCF group on there) where you can talk to people, set up exercises, track foods, etc.
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Thanks so much for all your suggestions! Is free? I am not sure I can afford a personal trainer...and I tried getting some of my relatives to work out with me, but they all make excuses....mostly that they don't have time. It's hard to convince them, and I get frustrated I've stopped. I may have to hire a personal trainer as a birthday gift to myself (my bday is in September) because I truly need it. Thank you for your prayers. :rolleyes:
I can really relate to what you are going through. I am also addicted to fast food. Not only is it affecting me, but also my children. I have to make a change for them NOW. I took my 12 year old to the doctor last week and I shocked to find out that his weight is 180 pounds. He has gained 20 of those pounds since December '07.

The plan I have for myself is to start a fast/cleansing starting Monday for 5 days and then I plan to change my diet and give up anything that comes in a bag through a drive thru window! I also am going to get more active and walk and ride my bike. This is going to be a family thing so we can encourage each other.

Prayer is a big part of my plan. Every time I have given up fast food before, constant prayer has been what has gotten me through. I have made many, many attempts at this before, but the fact that my children are very overweight is really bothering me.

I will pray for you also. Maybe we can partner up online and encourage each other. Let me know if you want to do this. I am going to be taking measurements and weighing myself tonight.

Trying fasting and praying. You can do this for one hour with the focus on asking God to help you with the eating during that hour and of course you can do it long. See this link for different types of fasting. Also, take some blessed oil and anoint your tongue,stomach, head and ears(other parts of body is OK). Take one day at a time and do not get discourge. GOd knows your heart and the fact that you reach out for prayer he does not take it likely. Have your pray focus on changing you mindset on food and asking God to give you appetite for different foods that will help the body. We all have been through in some form or another. I had to ask for help with sugar and God did it for me. Love you and you are going to be OK we are praying for you even now. The devil is liar God will help you with this in Jesus NAme. Amen
I can really relate to what you are going through. I am also addicted to fast food. Not only is it affecting me, but also my children. I have to make a change for them NOW. I took my 12 year old to the doctor last week and I shocked to find out that his weight is 180 pounds. He has gained 20 of those pounds since December '07.

The plan I have for myself is to start a fast/cleansing starting Monday for 5 days and then I plan to change my diet and give up anything that comes in a bag through a drive thru window! I also am going to get more active and walk and ride my bike. This is going to be a family thing so we can encourage each other.

Prayer is a big part of my plan. Every time I have given up fast food before, constant prayer has been what has gotten me through. I have made many, many attempts at this before, but the fact that my children are very overweight is really bothering me.

I will pray for you also. Maybe we can partner up online and encourage each other. Let me know if you want to do this. I am going to be taking measurements and weighing myself tonight.


I would LOVE to partner up with you ((HUG))! I am starting the Master Cleanse diet soon. I just need to gather all the ingredients. If I can get them all today, I will start tomorrow and go for the full 10 days.
Trying fasting and praying. You can do this for one hour with the focus on asking God to help you with the eating during that hour and of course you can do it long. See this link for different types of fasting. Also, take some blessed oil and anoint your tongue,stomach, head and ears(other parts of body is OK). Take one day at a time and do not get discourge. GOd knows your heart and the fact that you reach out for prayer he does not take it likely. Have your pray focus on changing you mindset on food and asking God to give you appetite for different foods that will help the body. We all have been through in some form or another. I had to ask for help with sugar and God did it for me. Love you and you are going to be OK we are praying for you even now. The devil is liar God will help you with this in Jesus NAme. Amen

Thank you for your prayers and reminding me that God doesn't take my prayers lightly. I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! Amen! :-)
I would LOVE to partner up with you ((HUG))! I am starting the Master Cleanse diet soon. I just need to gather all the ingredients. If I can get them all today, I will start tomorrow and go for the full 10 days.

I think the Master Cleanse is the same thing as the lemonade fast/cleanse. That is what I will be doing. I have had all the ingredients for well over a week now. LOL! I just need to get started. I will PM you my email address and we can figure out how we can help each other.

Thanks so much for all your suggestions! Is free? I am not sure I can afford a personal trainer...and I tried getting some of my relatives to work out with me, but they all make excuses....mostly that they don't have time. It's hard to convince them, and I get frustrated I've stopped. I may have to hire a personal trainer as a birthday gift to myself (my bday is in September) because I truly need it. Thank you for your prayers. :rolleyes:

Sorry for the late response...moving right now. But yes, sparkpeople is free. I cannot really afford a personal trainer regularly, my family paid for it, but I think if you get a couple sessions that might help you start off or get motivated. I'm currently looking for a cheap one where I am now, so maybe I can have a session every two weeks or so.Keep us updated!
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Posting to share that you all are not alone. I'm in the same boat.... Lack of discipline over the years has taken a toll.... it's only the grace of the Lord that has kept me.... I want and need to do better....

My 20-year high school reunion is in a couple of weeks and I was looking at some old photos and yeah, there's a difference.... But what was interesting was that my face still looks the same, only plumped up from the fat.... (Sigh)....

I join in agreement with this prayer for a miraculous move to get us going....
Angel, you can do it. I did and I'm in love with Chocolate... :yep:

My prayer is that you will 'forget' that this is a struggle and find that as easy as it is for you to breathe and blink, you will be able to 'fit' into a regime to not only lose the weight but to keep it off.

And dearest one you will. Ask God to show you what 'fits' you in a new lifestyle; what exercises; what foods that are healthy that you will fall in love with and eat only. He will show you what 'fits' you and not someone else. Afterall, you are a unique individual and you have a unique 'you' with a unique pattern. God will show you what 'fits.' and you will follow this to total victory.

Just ask. And let Him love you and ease the anxiety that has been weighing you down. You will not fail. I promise.

God bless you, angel. :bighug:
I'll be praying for you I know what you are going through. I have had my challenges with weight gain and loss.

Since you already have a gym membership why not try taking some of the exercise classes your gym offers. This helped me. I met people in class who were in the same boat I was in we agreed to support each other the next thing I know I was going to class to see my workout buddies (and workout). Start slow and be consistant don't overwork yourself. For meals try weight watchers if this is not for you try reducing your meal intake by eating premade meals like Lean Cusine these taste pretty good.

Don't even entertain the thought of sickness and diseas....the devil is a liar. You can do it. Continue in prayer until your breakthrough comes.
I hesitated about responding to this, because I believe that any addiction is a sign of spiritual warfare going on. We are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare, and usually are hit the hardest before a major breakthrough God wants to do in our lives.

I am sending you God's unfailing love that was demonstrated on calvary for you and I. I am sending you the unequaled knowledge of your beauty in Christ. You are God's child, and as such, you no longer need to be in bondage to anything that prevents you from being what he has called you to be.

Many people speak to the situation, but God speaks to the heart, and the spirit within. Your spirit is willing. I can feel that.

It is the war within us all that we are battling. I rebuke that spirit of confusion and hurt that is within you in the name of Jesus.

I have struggled with this as well-- to the extreme. I was bulimic for years; one of my sisters has anorexia. I'm not cured, but I am delivered. God is with me everyday. I think it ultimately has nothing to do with willpower, and everything with being delivered.

Ask yourself honestly, what it is that is really troubling your heart. Give it to Jesus. It isn't about food, or exercise. It is about filling any emptiness in yourself with the love of God. You can't do it alone. You have to turn this situation over to God and trust that he will deliver you.

Let me ask you-- how are you feeding your soul? What is missing in your life? Are there any hurts, anger, or sadness or lonliness that you haven't dealt with? Are you dealing with a spirit of perfectionism? Feeling inadequte?

The thing is even when we are delivered it is easy to go back into bondage. Just look at the Isrealites. As soon as God parted the Red Sea for them and drowned all of Egypt's militia-- right when he had delivered them from their captives, they wanted to return to what they new. But we are called to be transformed, by a renewing of our minds.

God can renew your mind and He has the power, sweet one to take away your desire to do things that hurt yourself. You will be healed.

Read this scripture:

When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting-place, and finds none. Then it says, 'I will go back to my house out of which I moved'; and on arriving it finds it unoccupied but swept clean and adorned. Then it goes its way and takes along with it seven different spirits more wicked than itself, and, after getting inside, they dwell there; and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first.

Dear one, allow the sweet holy spirit to fill "human" house (your body and spirit) with God's love and peace that will protect you. I will pray for you. I believe that you will be set free from this to give a testimony. Remember God is able to do all things.
I believe in God's perfect timing.

This message...moved me to tears. I'm sniffling as I type. My are so SOVEREIGN! Golden Bronze, This is exactly what's going on. I have been battling so many personal struggles...I wouldn't know where to begin trying to explain. The first that comes to mind is my parents' divorce after 25 years of marriage. I have good days and bad days...

But the one thing that struck me most out of all that you wrote (and EVERYTHING you wrote was so timely, by the way) was the part about dealing with spiritual warfare and being on the verge of a breakthrough. I'm over here overjoyed. Why, you ask? Because I love it when God confirms His perfect plan. I just love it.

You see, I have some desires for my life that have laid dormant for a while. I was waiting on God's perfect timing, so I kept these desires kinda low-key and didn't speak about them to anybody.

Lately, these desires have been rising up...and God is doing some amazing things...but, I know the key to all this is my reading His Word. His Word is KEY in all this. And, the enemy is trying to do all he can to keep me from it. And simultaneously making me feel guilty when I fall short. (It's a double whammy!) But, God...

He can take ANY situation around and turn it into something amazing...
Just this one conversation with you all, my fellow believers, and my strength is renewed and I'm even more determined to bring this to fruition.

By the way, I didn't mention what the desires were...
I have played the piano since I was a kid...I have also had a deep interest in the Spanish language. (I even did a study abroad in South America in 2005)...anyway, God has given me a vision to pursue the piano again and start writing music for Him. I'm not sure I completely understand it all...but the good news is, I don't have to! Praise God! Oh, you guys, talk about a breakthrough! There is so much more I could write about this...but I will pace myself.

Golden Bronze, Thank you for letting the Lord use you! :kiss:

And thank you to all of you who responded. I look forward to sharing my success story with all of you! :weird::bighug::iloveyou:

I hesitated about responding to this, because I believe that any addiction is a sign of spiritual warfare going on. We are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare, and usually are hit the hardest before a major breakthrough God wants to do in our lives.

I am sending you God's unfailing love that was demonstrated on calvary for you and I. I am sending you the unequaled knowledge of your beauty in Christ. You are God's child, and as such, you no longer need to be in bondage to anything that prevents you from being what he has called you to be.

Many people speak to the situation, but God speaks to the heart, and the spirit within. Your spirit is willing. I can feel that.

It is the war within us all that we are battling. I rebuke that spirit of confusion and hurt that is within you in the name of Jesus.

I have struggled with this as well-- to the extreme. I was bulimic for years; one of my sisters has anorexia. I'm not cured, but I am delivered. God is with me everyday. I think it ultimately has nothing to do with willpower, and everything with being delivered.

Ask yourself honestly, what it is that is really troubling your heart. Give it to Jesus. It isn't about food, or exercise. It is about filling any emptiness in yourself with the love of God. You can't do it alone. You have to turn this situation over to God and trust that he will deliver you.

Let me ask you-- how are you feeding your soul? What is missing in your life? Are there any hurts, anger, or sadness or lonliness that you haven't dealt with? Are you dealing with a spirit of perfectionism? Feeling inadequte?

The thing is even when we are delivered it is easy to go back into bondage. Just look at the Isrealites. As soon as God parted the Red Sea for them and drowned all of Egypt's militia-- right when he had delivered them from their captives, they wanted to return to what they new. But we are called to be transformed, by a renewing of our minds.

God can renew your mind and He has the power, sweet one to take away your desire to do things that hurt yourself. You will be healed.

Read this scripture:

When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting-place, and finds none. Then it says, 'I will go back to my house out of which I moved'; and on arriving it finds it unoccupied but swept clean and adorned. Then it goes its way and takes along with it seven different spirits more wicked than itself, and, after getting inside, they dwell there; and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first.

Dear one, allow the sweet holy spirit to fill "human" house (your body and spirit) with God's love and peace that will protect you. I will pray for you. I believe that you will be set free from this to give a testimony. Remember God is able to do all things.
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Sweetie, you are welcome, and I give all Glory to God!!

God wants to use you. I will pray that you will trust him and he will give you the desires of your heart.

My sister just started writing music again after not touching a piano for 20 years due to heartache and heart break. It can be done. Just remember as those little pains and struggles come your way that is just the enemy attempting to turn you off course. Instead of giving in I envision you turning to your piano, or your language tapes, and allowing God to fill your life with His joy.

You are on the pulse of a new morning in your life, and I declare by the name of Jesus that you prevail, and no weapon that comes against the God in you prosper.

Be well, and be encouraged.
I hesitated about responding to this, because I believe that any addiction is a sign of spiritual warfare going on. We are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare, and usually are hit the hardest before a major breakthrough God wants to do in our lives.

I am sending you God's unfailing love that was demonstrated on calvary for you and I. I am sending you the unequaled knowledge of your beauty in Christ. You are God's child, and as such, you no longer need to be in bondage to anything that prevents you from being what he has called you to be.

Many people speak to the situation, but God speaks to the heart, and the spirit within. Your spirit is willing. I can feel that.

It is the war within us all that we are battling. I rebuke that spirit of confusion and hurt that is within you in the name of Jesus.

I have struggled with this as well-- to the extreme. I was bulimic for years; one of my sisters has anorexia. I'm not cured, but I am delivered. God is with me everyday. I think it ultimately has nothing to do with willpower, and everything with being delivered.

Ask yourself honestly, what it is that is really troubling your heart. Give it to Jesus. It isn't about food, or exercise. It is about filling any emptiness in yourself with the love of God. You can't do it alone. You have to turn this situation over to God and trust that he will deliver you.

Let me ask you-- how are you feeding your soul? What is missing in your life? Are there any hurts, anger, or sadness or lonliness that you haven't dealt with? Are you dealing with a spirit of perfectionism? Feeling inadequte?

The thing is even when we are delivered it is easy to go back into bondage. Just look at the Isrealites. As soon as God parted the Red Sea for them and drowned all of Egypt's militia-- right when he had delivered them from their captives, they wanted to return to what they new. But we are called to be transformed, by a renewing of our minds.

God can renew your mind and He has the power, sweet one to take away your desire to do things that hurt yourself. You will be healed.

Read this scripture:

When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through parched places in search of a resting-place, and finds none. Then it says, 'I will go back to my house out of which I moved'; and on arriving it finds it unoccupied but swept clean and adorned. Then it goes its way and takes along with it seven different spirits more wicked than itself, and, after getting inside, they dwell there; and the final circumstances of that man become worse than the first.

Dear one, allow the sweet holy spirit to fill "human" house (your body and spirit) with God's love and peace that will protect you. I will pray for you. I believe that you will be set free from this to give a testimony. Remember God is able to do all things.

I do not know if you are still around but I needed this. I came across this on purpose because I am dealing with spiritual warfare like never before.
Thank you all for the great responses and prayers.

Praying for you, Natieya.
You will meet your goals.

Lift me up, as well, everyone, I'm going through something very similar.
Thanks so much for all your suggestions! Is free? I am not sure I can afford a personal trainer...and I tried getting some of my relatives to work out with me, but they all make excuses....mostly that they don't have time. It's hard to convince them, and I get frustrated I've stopped. I may have to hire a personal trainer as a birthday gift to myself (my bday is in September) because I truly need it. Thank you for your prayers. :rolleyes:
I know this is super old but wondering how you’re doing. Im going through the same issue right now.

I pray all is well for you.