Prayer request to have a baby.


Well-Known Member
I'm asking for prayers to give me strength through this process. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over two years. I'm trying so hard to be strong in the Lord but I can't help but cry when my periods comes. About two years ago I went to a prayer service and the pastor's wife told me that I will have a baby and not to cry anymore. I will be back to have a great testimony of the gift that God has given me. But it hasn't happened. I can't stop crying I'm so tried. I know I can't give up but its so hard. People ask me constantly when I'm having a baby. Everywhere I look I see pregnant women. I'm look up verses on faith and I believe God will bless us with a baby. I just get so depressed and overwhelmed with sadness when it doesn't happen. I waited my whole life to be a mother and I love children. I've had people tell me about their unwanted pregnancies. My coworker was pregnant and called the baby a parasite. Another girl told me how she had an abortion. It was like a stab in the heart when I heard this. Why God can't I get the gift of the womb?! Please pray for me ladies. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

The Lord makes good on his promises, don't get discouraged it WILL happen.

Num 23
19God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

God's timing is not like ours, hold onto the word that was given to you, he said it and it SHALL be done, it shall come to pass!

I pray your strength today and in the coming days.
sweethair The Lord makes good on his promises, don't get discouraged it WILL happen. Num 23 19God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? God's timing is not like ours, hold onto the word that was given to you, he said it and it SHALL be done, it shall come to pass! I pray your strength today and in the coming days.

Thank you for your encouraging words. I appreciate it so much.
sweethair you will be in my prayers.

My manager went through something similar. She was trying to have a baby for over a year, and God blessed her with a healthy baby boy this past June.

Hold on and don't give up :hug2:.
sweethair, you are in my prayers. I was in the same boat as you. My husband and I tried for almost three years before I had a viable pregnancy that resulted in a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl. And God is so good that three and a half years later he blessed us with twin girls who were almost full term, happy, healthy and able to come home with us. I know what it is like to see everyone around you pregnant and you're not. I know what it's like to have everyone ask when you will have children and to cover the heartache with a smile and say, "When it's time." I know what it's like to see people get pregnant unexpectantly, or on the first try or without trying or to be pregnant and not appreciate the wonderful blessing that it is. Please hold on to the word that was spoken over you. God is not slack concerning His promises and I am a witness. Two and half years and a miscarriage and I was devastated and discouraged, but I held on to God's word. I have three beautiful little girls that I cherish each and every day because I remember the tears I cried and the many prayers that I prayed. Enjoy this time with your husband, enjoy your life as it is now and begin to prepare for the wonderful bundle of joy that is for sure coming your way.
You're in my prayers sis!

I actually heard of a wonderful story yesterday. A couple who was trying for three years and unfortunately miscarried once is now happily expecting!!!! We found out yesterday. She (the wife) waited before sharing her news and testimony with us! I am really happy for her and her husband and I hope that their faith and steadfastness during trying times gives you and your husband strength also. They're in their late 30s btw :)

God heard their prayer and granted them the desires of their heart and I'm certain that he has heard yours as well :)
Thanks so much PinkPebbles.

Thanks for your understanding. It's so had to have people ask you when you are trying not to think about it. It's like I'm being mocked even though they have no idea of my situation. It just sucks. May I ask if you had your babies naturally or did you do fertility treatments? Ive always felt that God will give us a baby. But maybe God will give the baby through iui or ivf. I pray about it but I don't know what to do.
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I know a woman who tried for 4 years to conceive without any luck. Today she has 4 children.
I know its hard but don't give up and wallow in sadness. God hasn't forgotten you. I will pray for you as well.
Thanks for your understanding. It's so had to have people ask you when you are trying not to think about it. It's like I'm being mocked even though they have no idea of my situation. It just sucks. May I ask if you had your babies naturally or did you do fertility treatments? Ive always felt that God will give us a baby. But maybe God will give the baby through iui or ivf. I pray about it but I don't know what to do.

sweethair - I don't mind you asking. I'm very open and honest about our journey to have kids. The first time I got pregnant was natural. We had been trying for 14 months and like eveyrone always says, it happened when "I wasn't thinking about it". Unfortunately, I had a miscarriage at eight weeks. We continued to try for another six months before we moved on to clomid. We tried that for three months with no success. A few months after taking a little break from all the drugs, I went to see a reproductive endocrinologist and after talking to her and praying we decided that IVF would be the best option for us. It was a long journey and it is hard emotionally, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know that some people may feel some kind of way about IVF or IUI, but the way I see it, God is in control and although we did have the aid of doctors, God had the final say so. Believe me when I tell you that with every shot I took, every pill I swallowed, every patch I put on my skin, every doctor's appointment, I prayed for God's guidance. There were so many things that could have gone wrong, but God was with us. That's my long winded way of saying that whatever route you and your husband choose to go, it will be a blessing straight from God. He is the doctor of all doctors.
mrselle Not long winded at all! Your testimony is giving me renewed hope that Gods promise will be fulfilled!! Thank you Mrselle and may God continue to bless you and your family!
You're in my prayers sis!

I actually heard of a wonderful story yesterday. A couple who was trying for three years and unfortunately miscarried once is now happily expecting!!!! We found out yesterday. She (the wife) waited before sharing her news and testimony with us! I am really happy for her and her husband and I hope that their faith and steadfastness during trying times gives you and your husband strength also. They're in their late 30s btw :)

God heard their prayer and granted them the desires of their heart and I'm certain that he has heard yours as well :)

Thank you LiftedUp Im greatful for all the prayers being sent up for me.
sweethair, you are in my prayers. I was in the same boat as you. My husband and I tried for almost three years before I had a viable pregnancy that resulted in a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl. And God is so good that three and a half years later he blessed us with twin girls who were almost full term, happy, healthy and able to come home with us. I know what it is like to see everyone around you pregnant and you're not. I know what it's like to have everyone ask when you will have children and to cover the heartache with a smile and say, "When it's time." I know what it's like to see people get pregnant unexpectantly, or on the first try or without trying or to be pregnant and not appreciate the wonderful blessing that it is. Please hold on to the word that was spoken over you. God is not slack concerning His promises and I am a witness. Two and half years and a miscarriage and I was devastated and discouraged, but I held on to God's word. I have three beautiful little girls that I cherish each and every day because I remember the tears I cried and the many prayers that I prayed. Enjoy this time with your husband, enjoy your life as it is now and begin to prepare for the wonderful bundle of joy that is for sure coming your way. story is very similar to mrselle's. We tried for years and had miscarriages. We adopted a beautiful baby girl, and then got pregnant and had a beautiful baby boy 20 months later. It all happened in God's own timing and in the way He chose just for us (adoption and a pregnancy). I love my children dearly and I never forget how I prayed and cried for them over the years. God is no respecter of persons...if He did it for me, mrselle, Hannah, and countless others, then He'll do it for you. How He does it is up to him. God sees every tear and He hears every prayer and non of it is in vain. Don't cry, dear sister. God has not abandoned you. I am praying for you.

NOTE: Some people believe that once a couple adopts, then they get pregnant because they are no longer under stress about conceiving. Please let me assure you that I do not believe this. I firmly believe that we became pregnant when we did simply because that was God's plan. I also believe that adoption is just as beautiful and is just as special as giving birth. I believe it was God's plan for us to adopt our daughter. She is ours in every way as is our son. If we had become pregnant earlier than we did, we would have missed out on the wonderful blessing that is our daughter. I'm glad we didn't miss out on her!
Thank you Blackpearl1993 I do try to remember it's in Gods perfect timing but each month that goes and my periods comes I get so sad. I don't want to feel this way anymore. I will hold on to his promise of my baby and to the amazing stories of blessings that God has given you all. I know deep down in my heart that God will bless us with a child no matter what. I just have to stay strong
I second Belle Du Jour's suggestion. It can actually help pinpoint what may be affecting your fertility, and it will also help you track your signs of fertility. I'll be joining my prayers with the other ladies' for you and your husband. May God bless you with children.
Thanks you I looked into it. I've never heard of this before. @BelleduJour @Galadriel

Feel free to PM me, sweethair. I've been using this method of family planning since I've been married (10 years). It incorporates your entire fertility health, and it even gets your husband involved and helping with charting, etc. Often, by keeping track of your signs of fertility, your cycle, etc. it's easier to pinpoint when something is off and could help find what may be the underlying issue.
Here is a thread, a thread that may encourage you.

and my update is that I just had #2 ;)

Also, please see my signature. That's been my signature for over 4 years. Even after my season arrived, I kept that as my signature to encourage women just like you.

I strongly recommend a book called Supernatural Childbirth. Get it and read it like ASAP!

praying for you (((HUG)))
God is so good!! Im pregnant!!!! I just got conformation from my doc with the blood test today! Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. When I felt discouraged I would read this tread to strengthen me. I'm so thankful and happy. When I saw the positive pregnancy test I started praising God and fell to my knees. It's been a long journey but was well worth it. Gods timing is perfect!!! God truly gave me the desires of my heart. I am so blessed!! Thank you and God bless you wonderful women in Christ!

1 Samuel 1:27
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.
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God is so good!! Im pregnant!!!! I just got conformation from my doc with the blood test today! Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. When I felt discouraged I would read this tread to strengthen me. I'm so thankful and happy. When I saw the positive pregnancy test I started praising God and fell to my knees. It's been a long journey but was well worth it. Gods timing is perfect!!! God truly gave me the desires of my heart. I am so blessed!! Thank you and God bless you wonderful women in Christ!

1 Samuel 1:27
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.

Wow! I'm so happy for you! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy :yep:

bless the Lord, I feel like dancing.:yep:


Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

God is so good!! Im pregnant!!!! I just got conformation from my doc with the blood test today! Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. When I felt discouraged I would read this tread to strengthen me. I'm so thankful and happy. When I saw the positive pregnancy test I started praising God and fell to my knees. It's been a long journey but was well worth it. Gods timing is perfect!!! God truly gave me the desires of my heart. I am so blessed!! Thank you and God bless you wonderful women in Christ!

1 Samuel 1:27
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.
God is so good!! Im pregnant!!!! I just got conformation from my doc with the blood test today! Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. When I felt discouraged I would read this tread to strengthen me. I'm so thankful and happy. When I saw the positive pregnancy test I started praising God and fell to my knees. It's been a long journey but was well worth it. Gods timing is perfect!!! God truly gave me the desires of my heart. I am so blessed!! Thank you and God bless you wonderful women in Christ!

1 Samuel 1:27
For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.

Congratulations sweethair !
I'm praying for that beautiful moment when you hold your beautiful healthy
baby in your arms for the very first time!
God is good and faithful! All the time!
Wow! I'm so happy for you! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy :yep:


bless the Lord, I feel like dancing.:yep:


Praying for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Congratulations sweethair !
I'm praying for that beautiful moment when you hold your beautiful healthy
baby in your arms for the very first time!
God is good and faithful! All the time!

Thanks!!! I get giddy every time I think about it!
It's amazing and overwhelming in a good way!