Prayer Request right now


Well-Known Member
I have a telephone interview for a job. Please pray for me. For God's guidance to determine if this is right for me and if it is, to do well.

Thank you.
I have a telephone interview for a job. Please pray for me. For God's guidance to determine if this is right for me and if it is, to do well.

Thank you.
Only God's voice is that you will hear; revealing and guiding you into all truth. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.
Shimmie, thank you for your prayers. And thanks to any of you out there who prayed for me.

The telephone interview went well and now they want me to come in for a face to face next Monday at 2:30pm.

Please keep praying for me.

Thank you.
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I'm praying for you right now. I know His purpose will come to pass concerning this job. Remember He'll only give you His best!:yep:
Thank you all for your prayers. God has been good. The interview went well and they are now checking on my references. I think this is indeed a good company.

I am waiting to hear what the next steps will be. Please keep me in your prayers.
Thank you all for your prayers. God has been good. The interview went well and they are now checking on my references. I think this is indeed a good company.

I am waiting to hear what the next steps will be. Please keep me in your prayers.

Praise God!!
Thank you God!

I got the job.

Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep praying for me.
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