
New Member
Hi Everyone,

This is my first time ever posting here... In all honesty I did not know it was here. My only concern was in the hair care forum... But now God has shown me how very small that is... I am asking for a prayer from everyone who reads this post... I deeply appreciate it and so will my niece...

I am asking everyone to please say a prayer for my niece who is 35 years old and was just diagnosed with breast cancer... She will go through 16 weeks of chemo, then they will remove what is left of the tumor, then she will have breast reconstruction... Please pray for her and ALL women who are going through this...

Her name is Karla

Thank you very much

I appreciate all your prayers...
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The devil is a liar, Jesus bore all of are sickness's and diseases on the cross, therefore she is healed in Jesus name, God said that if any 2 of us should agree on earth, it shall be done....I am in agreement with you and all of the wonderful women on this board that she IS healed and every cell in her body must line up to the word of God, by His stripes she IS HEALED!!! AMEN :yep:.
The devil is a liar, Jesus bore all of are sickness's and diseases on the cross, therefore she is healed in Jesus name, God said that if any 2 of us should agree on earth, it shall be done....I am in agreement with you and all of the wonderful women on this board that she IS healed and every cell in her body must line up to the word of God, by His stripes she IS HEALED!!! AMEN :yep:.
Wow, that was powerful, Thank you very much...
I pray that this too shall pass and GOD shall be glorified through your niece's healing and total restoration. I pray that her test will be a testimony for other women like her going through similar situations.
Father, we know that you can heal the body, since you created it. We ask that you touch this young woman who is facing a health challenge. We know that nothing is too great for you, and that you are able to do all things. We know that in your word you say that you have authority, a commander so that if you say go, or come, creation will listen to you. We ask that you merely speak a word from on high Father, that this precious child will be healed. Build her character and faith through this crisis so that she may come through with a testimony that will touch others. In Jesus name.
You and your niece are in my prayers.

And i'm going to start praying for other women who go through this.

Sometimes we're not to concerned if it's not affecting our life or someone close to us. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Just think of the women who don't have anyone praying for them, something to think about.

God bless you!
Ladyz, indeed my heart does pray for you and your loved one, with all of my heart. That she be healed and disease free, completely in Jesus's name.

And that the peace of God which surpasses ALL understanding and human logic, takes over and rules every heart and thought in Jesus's name...Only peace and God's healing shall prevail. Amen and Amen.

You take care and keep us posted, Angel. :giveheart:

Give this hug to your niece from all of us: :grouphug: :bighug: We love her and have her in our hearts and prayers beyond this post. :yep:
Thank you Ladies, You gave some powerful prayers... I am truly touched... It brought tears to my eyes reading all the beautiful prayers...
I know God will answer them in His own way...
Thank you so very, very much for the prayers... My family and myself really appreciate this act of love and kindness... May God Bless All of You Forever..