Prayer Request: New Year Expectant but now the struggle...


Well-Known Member
I am really going thru right now, professionally and emotionally, I just ask that some sisters from site will send up a prayer my way...

The issues currently facing are all in mind.... like truly experiencing the battlefield of mind syndrome so viguoursly talked about by Joyce Meyers....

I tell my self continously that I need to swallow some humble pie as others have it way worse out there... yea i tend to discredit my feelings/emotions/struggles because I think that I shouldnt feel this way...

Career... I HATE my job, like literally HATE... I want so much more for self and i know I can do it but choose to stay stagnanted in this mundane position, which I could do with eyes closed, mouth taped, hands behind back...

Personal... No love prospects, but hey not going to meet anyone going from home to work, ok partially my fault... maybe I am not saying the right prayers.... I am talking to a couple of guys, but again just passing time talking to them...

Family... that in and of itself is tear worthy... Its like how can you be in same household as someone else and never talk... But i know how to remedy that situation..

I just find my self tearing up, feeling bad about where I am in life... yadda yadda, kinda feeling like a woe is me moment just passed, that was a relief...

funny I feel like this when I have been sooo expectant for new year, the goals the challenges, the changes, but nope can only focus on what is not there, or about things of the past, etc...

thanks for letting me vent/share/get that off chest...
The enemy truly attacks when you begin to stare away from his plan to Gods'...
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Hey Loved One... :giveheart:

We just surround you with our hearts and prayers and thanking God for His peace to overcome each of these situations. We thank God even more that you will not only get through this, but your heart will be overflowing with God's warmth and that you will not be adversely affected by any of these issues which are indeed temporary.

You shall not only overcome all of this but there will be peace in your family and out of all of the turmoil, nothing shall by any means prevent your from the blessings of God to overflow in each of your lives.

Your finances shall be blessed and the seeming threats of debt will only be mere shadows, for God has proclaimed that He is and shall always be your Provider and His total provisions for you and your loved ones shall be seen in full in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

:love2: Precious Angel... your faith shall increase and the fears shall decrease and remain so.

Amen in the Name of Jesus... :pray:
To My fellow Irving Nite you are in my prayers. Sometimes the road is the hardest right before the blessing. I know where you have been especially questioning if you are saying the right prayer. You are as there is no wrong pray when you are talking to the Father. Hold on and don't give up, He hears you and He knows the plan for you even when you can't see it. PM if you need to talk!
I'm going through the exact same thing! I went into this year so positive but nothing but negativity is coming my way. It's really been hard for the past two weeks and there are no signs of it letting up. I will keep you in my prayers because we both need the Holy Spirit to provide is with strength to keep pushing through.
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Praying for everyone in this thread. Yeah it's really hard for me in January because everybody is so positive about the new year and I'm thinking about the anniversary of some family members that passed away hoping January just flies by swiftly.

So far this year I've teared up or cried just about everyday job frustrating me, my ex popping back up in my life confusing me, my finances, my family members being sick, and some new health issues. I'm just taking it literally day by day, hour by hour.

What I find that is sustaining me is - I wake up in the morning, listen to some Christian music and read some verses and keep it moving. Trying to avoid unnecessary conflict and just have a constant stream of conversation with God. I feel like when things get bad, no friends, no family can help the way God can. I Just have to keep seeking Him, that's what's holding me.
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Count your blessings :)

This year started off rough for me and I go in and out of bouts of despair and joy. Last week when I was in one of my despair moods I asked myself why am I in despair when the Lord has blessed me with so much. He has blessed me even before I asked. He has given me strength to overcome adversity. Why am I counting these moments of despair when my blessings far outweighed them?

I know you're going through a lot and things may seem bleak but keep in prayer and supplication.

Sent out a prayer for you :)
I'm praying for you! Feel free to contact me if you need to talk. And I do mean it.

Do find a good church home and stay there to seek God's word to lift you.

Not only for Sunday morning service, but for choir practice, young ladies groups, prayer groups, and al other gathering that will bring you in the presence of the Lord and Holy Spirit and give you some peace.

Mean while work on your problems. Being in church will help ease it some rather than suffering alone.