Prayer Request - Need a Job


New Member
Hi Ladies,
I have a prayer request.
I just recently completed my undergraduate degrees, and I am taking a break before I go to graduate school. Because I am not a student anymore, I cannot keep the two jobs I have with the university. I've been hunting for a job for a little while now, and nothing is coming up. I don't have a car, so my job search is limited to things I can walk to or catch a bus to...I'm so frustrated, and I know I am supposed to have faith. I also have bills to pay and graduate tests and applications to pay for, and I just don't have it! :perplexed

Thank you very much for your prayers...
I will be praying for you! Keep the faith and believe! Last year, I filled out about 15-20 job apps with no responses from anyone. I kept praying, and it was right when I began to grow discouraged that God blessed me with the best, highest paying job I applied for. He blessed me with something that I wasn't even expecting...I mean high paying, friendly work environment, free food, etc. I pray that when He blesses you with a job you will know and feel that it was catered just for you!

So just know that "He is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us" (Ephesians 3:20). And "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life...But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:25-27...33-34)."

ETA: And when He blesses you with this job don't forget about Him: "Bring the WHOLE TITHE into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. TEST ME IN THIS," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." Malachi 3:10

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Hi Ladies,
I have a prayer request.
I just recently completed my undergraduate degrees, and I am taking a break before I go to graduate school. Because I am not a student anymore, I cannot keep the two jobs I have with the university. I've been hunting for a job for a little while now, and nothing is coming up. I don't have a car, so my job search is limited to things I can walk to or catch a bus to...I'm so frustrated, and I know I am supposed to have faith. I also have bills to pay and graduate tests and applications to pay for, and I just don't have it! :perplexed

Thank you very much for your prayers...

If you would like something temporary that pays pretty good money - the U.S. Census Bureau is hiring RIGHT NOW! I know this because I am currently a recruiter with the Census. Call 1866-861-2010 to schedule and employment test, and go to for more information. If this doesn't interest you, I pray that God will open a door for you. Remember He is faithful to supply all your needs, just keep trusting Him. :-) Be Blessed.
I kept praying, and it was right when I began to grow discouraged that God blessed me with the best, highest paying job I applied for. He blessed me with something that I wasn't even expecting...I mean high paying, friendly work environment, free food, etc. I pray that when He blesses you with a job you will know and feel that it was catered just for you!

Not to hijack the thread. But Blessed626 your testimony is so encouraging. I'm currently praying for God's to blessed me the same way. and I KNOW HE WILL!

Opster you are in my prayers.
I will definitely pray for you OP.

And while we're all praying for the op, can we toss a few employment prayers Mondo's way. Mmmkay, thank you:grin:
Just prayed for you and you too Mondo! Believe me, I know the feeling. Just keep the faith. I was out of work for some time and literally had like 2 dollars to my name.

Everytime, and I mean everytime, I would get desperate or a bill was on the way, I was blessed with some cash...from gifts, my tax refund was late but came RIGHT when I desperately needed it, a check for work I did months prior came RIGHT when I needed it, a job offer (actually 2) came RIGHT when I needed it...

Actually once --this was several years ago--I needed money badlybadly. My old roommates and I were walking through a park in Brooklyn. I was just saying out loud and internally "Lord..please, I need help!". I was very young and irresponsible and didn't manage my $ properly, and didn't want to ask my parents for help. Anyway, literally like 2 minutes after saying that, I walk by a bench and see (and quickly walk towards and grab) a crisp 100$ bill laying on the ground. I always remember that moment whenever I get down. I'm not saying that God is a genie, but I firmly believe that HE will ALWAYS supply!

Whenever things look really dark, remain positive and seriously thank God in advance! You will get your job in due time. Good luck.
OP, I'm in agreement with the others that God provides for you ALL your needs!