Prayer Request - Home Repair - Kind of long


Well-Known Member

Please pray diligently. My Mother is having her bathroom remodeled. The contractor initially stated one price. Now he is going up 1000.00 and wants to give my mother all kinds of stuff that she does not need. He would like to do the repairs to make it easier for him ..... than to give my Mom good service that she wants. :ohwell:

After speaking with different contractors (personal friends). We have come to realize that he does not need to do the things that he says he said needed to be done. So my Mom asked him shince she does not need ALL of that work, the price should come down....., he laughed it off, and said well That it is for my labor. WHAT ???? So, if all those 1000s are for work? We are getting charged for material too?

My Mom believes he read her private paper work that she had stored in the bathroom because he went in the bathroom and stayed in there a long time and that's when the price went up. My Mom feels that it is is wife (being that she was a wife) is getting in his ear and things are not feeling right.

Call it discernment. He put a window in a few months ago....and did a half **** job. :wallbash: (forgive me Lord.) Then has not fixed it right and is making excuses.

Please pray that my Mom as a daughter of the King. Will fair service and the service that she derserves. If she has to get service from someone else thatn forgetit. he has not even presented her with an itemized contract.

He really does not want me to get involved.:nono:

Please pray for the best.

This is so awful but typical :nono:. What happened to people having integrity? What happened to work ethic? *sighs* I am praying for your mom.
He really does not want me to get involved.
You may need to get involved!!
Please keep praying. I am talking to her now on the phone. He has not started yet. He still has not fixed the window correctly. Now my stomach is upset. Plese keep praying. Please.