Prayer Request for my husband


Well-Known Member
My husband ,who is not a Christian, is going through some extremely bad emotional times right now. Would you ladies pray for his salvation,mental stability, and freedom from anger?

Most defiantely. I will be adding him to my fasting and prayer list today.

'Lord, please strengthen this young lady and her husband. Please show him that there is hope and emotional stability in You. Bless this family and encomapss them with Your love. Guide him in the direction that he should go in order to find peace. That is to You Lord. The only way. Please open his heart and mind to You and Your love. My he know You and love and accept Your sacrifice for him. Amen.'
Lord, I come to you today to ask a special favor for NR's husband. He is not Christian, but that does not mean that he is not believer. Lord, perhaps You are trying to get him to come to You. Only You know for sure, but we ask that You show him kindness, mercy and guide his footsteps. His family will also need Your guidance during this time, as it must be quite difficult to watch a loved one go through darkness.

Lord, I know that You will hear our prayers.

webby said:
Lord, I come to you today to ask a special favor for NR's husband. He is not Christian, but that does not mean that he is not believer. Lord, perhaps You are trying to get him to come to You. Only You know for sure, but we ask that You show him kindness, mercy and guide his footsteps. His family will also need Your guidance during this time, as it must be quite difficult to watch a loved one go through darkness.

Lord, I know that You will hear our prayers.

AMEN. I am in agree with this prayer.
webby said:
Lord, I come to you today to ask a special favor for NR's husband. He is not Christian, but that does not mean that he is not believer. Lord, perhaps You are trying to get him to come to You. Only You know for sure, but we ask that You show him kindness, mercy and guide his footsteps. His family will also need Your guidance during this time, as it must be quite difficult to watch a loved one go through darkness.

Lord, I know that You will hear our prayers.


Amen, ITA with this prayer as well.
I will definitely pray for your strength and for him to overcome this issue:)
Thanks for the prayers. I got out my "Power of a Praying Wife" book and prayed the prayers relating to emotions. I noticed that he was in a much better mood today.