Prayer please!


Well-Known Member
Hello my praying Sistahs, I will be having knee replacement soon, (will find out when tomorrow) and I'm asking for your prayers. I've had 4 knee surgeries and now my left knee is bone on bone. I'm sure playing tennis for about 30 years didn't help. Please keep me in your prayers :yep:.
I had an appointment with the Orthopedist today and it'll take about 4 weeks to get everything taken care of. I have to get surgery clearance tests done, after that they can schedule the surgery. We're looking at the 1st or 2nd week of January.
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Hello my praying Sistahs, I will be having knee replacement soon, (will find out when tomorrow) and I'm asking for your prayers. I've had 4 knee surgeries and now my left knee is bone on bone. I'm sure playing tennis for about 30 years didn't help. Please keep me in your prayers :yep:.
Indeed I will pray for you precious Coffee. I pray for your complete healing and total and complete recovery with no complications of any kind, whatsoever and that you will be up and walking and running in no time at all, able to enjoy the fruitful blessings of your life...

As I read your post, the scripture from Ezekiel 37 came to my heart very softly...

Can these dry bones live?

Lord, you know.


New muscles and new flesh came upon the bones.

God is giving you new life, Coffee. New life in your entire being.

Prophesy! Coffee, it's yours, all because God loves you. :Rose:

Bless you precious one.
Praying for you now. You just make sure that you claim your healing in Jesus' name since God has given you that authority and power.