Prayer please


New Member
Hello ladies - I'm going to make this short and brief.

Please keep me and my sister in your prayer, mostly my sister.

The girl has been out of work for the last couple of years she's finally gotten and agency that is getting here temp. work. About 2 month ago she started temping at a good company the people there treat her very extremely well they even want her to apply for a permenant position in the dept. when it becomes available. The problem there's a little jealous white girl there who wants to be the center of attention what's worse is that the man that my sister wants to work for and her are close friends. In a matter of two weeks this man has gone from having my sister work solely for him to today telling her if nobody there has work for her then she can return to the agency. He also gave her a huge project to do which would offer her much exposure once she complete is, but guess what little miss white girl is all of a sudden working with my sister on the project.

Pray for my sis as she is very discouraged right now.

Thank you.:)
How have they divided the project? If they have have not yet determined what their individual responsibilities re:the project, tell your sister to have that discussion tomorrow and put it in writing. Be helpful to the coworker, but allow her to do her work. I don't work in a corporate enviornment, so I don't know all of the ins and outs. I do know it's help to do your homework and document discussions re: work responsibilities and project proposals.
I have lifted you and your sister up in prayer. God knows best and if this is the company for her, it WILL work out. What God has for her will be for her. God Bless!!!
I apologize ladies for taking so long to get back in touch sometimes when I post things I forget about it (old age my mind is slipping).

Thanks ladies for your prayers and comment.:)
shalom said:
I apologize ladies for taking so long to get back in touch sometimes when I post things I forget about it (old age my mind is slipping).

Thanks ladies for your prayers and comment.:)

I pray that she is assigned the most important projects and is in a position where she prospers greatly.

I believe that this is just a test that I recently failed miserable. If I could do it all again. I would keep a good attitude, bless the antogonist, and expect the best.
I will say a prayer for you and your sister as well

God specializes in the ugliness in life, so keep us posted.

Be blessed.
Plenty - As long as you continue to seek the right way of doing things and learning from your mistakes you will succeed. You are always in my prayers.:D

Dreamer26 - Thanks;) , I'll keep you updated.