Prayer PLEASE (kind of long)


Well-Known Member
I am in an organization. An event was planned that I am the co- chair of. The last that I heard is that the even was canceled. Until last week.
When the chair called me. OK. He new in early May that it was back on.

To make a long story short things were handled in an out of order way. The chair is a male who is frustrated because he really does not want to do it but he volunteered. He is also the type of man that needs to be validated.

Because things were done out of order. I expressed to him that it was an inconvience. I never was able to express why. As soon as he heard inconvience. He snapped and went off and was yelling. I never was able to get one word in. Then he said I will never ask you to do anything for me again and hung up.

Then he kept having somone call me to ask me things instead of calling himself, and sending me text.

I am upset by the whole thing and I don't know why as I did nothing wrong. He was acting like a lunatic.

My prayer is that God will remove this feeling that I have. This happened Sunday

Thank you.
Zeal, the bolded says a lot. Volunteering to do something and not wanting to do it sort of defeats the purpose, no? Sorry you went through that, but I pray you don't allow his frustration and/or possible guilt to become your burden. It isn't !

I am in an organization. An event was planned that I am the co- chair of. The last that I heard is that the even was canceled. Until last week.
When the chair called me. OK. He new in early May that it was back on.

To make a long story short things were handled in an out of order way. The chair is a male who is frustrated because he really does not want to do it but he volunteered. He is also the type of man that needs to be validated.

Because things were done out of order. I expressed to him that it was an inconvience. I never was able to express why. As soon as he heard inconvience. He snapped and went off and was yelling. I never was able to get one word in. Then he said I will never ask you to do anything for me again and hung up.

Then he kept having somone call me to ask me things instead of calling himself, and sending me text.

I am upset by the whole thing and I don't know why as I did nothing wrong. He was acting like a lunatic.

My prayer is that God will remove this feeling that I have. This happened Sunday

Thank you.
I pray for peace and agape love to triumph in your situation. I don't know anyone who likes to be rushed especially when it is not 'your fault' so to speak. What is up with all of the yelling and stuff:nono:? As soon as the opportunity presents itself (after prayer of course) that needs to be dealt with ASAP.
I pray for peace and agape love to triumph in your situation. I don't know anyone who likes to be rushed especially when it is not 'your fault' so to speak. What is up with all of the yelling and stuff:nono:? As soon as the opportunity presents itself (after prayer of course) that needs to be dealt with ASAP.

Well, I had prayed before talking to him in the first place (as suggested by my mother) I first started by saying it was an inconvience. There is so much more to the story. (My Mom was being inconvienced she has nothing to do with this event.) Then I requested that he check with me first before making plans including me (because you assume that it is Ok - I did not say this part)

Then he snapped and said that I fly off the handle. It got personal. At this point I am keeping mu distance. He disrpected me and my mother. So I am just leaving it in God's hands. I really have nothing else to say at this point. :nono::nono:
Ok, good for you. He seems to really be out of line. i know you are dealing with enough as it is and don't need the extra right now.