Prayer needed


Well-Known Member

Please pray for me, I am seeing a fertility specialist tommorrow and I am kinda scared and nervous.
Father, in Jesus name we know your are the great physician and we ask God you take full control over tommrrow's appointment. We pray God that our sister will recieve a GOOD report in Jesus name. We understand God that her faith report will out weigh ever report we declare victory over the enemy in Jesus name we cancel any and all his plans. We ask God that Your perfect will be done and grant her, her hearts desires in Jesus name. AMen

Anoint your womb with some blessed oil. While anointing say out loud "In the name of Jesus". Anoint it each and everyday and other parts of your body if you want to. Where ever God wants to bless you the devil wants to mess you. The oil represents the Holy Ghost and there is power in the name of Jesus. :)
Thanks ladies, it was a consultation with a new Dr. and God answered my prayers my insurance covers 100% of treatment and I think a lot of greedy Dr.s were seeing $$$$ they were like lets do this and that. This Dr. was like I need to get some more tests done and then WE (meaning she my DH and I) can sit down and talk about options, I have to go back next month for cycle specific testing. I will keep you all updated, thank you for the prayers and please keep praying. I guess I am getting sort of nervous since I will be 34 this year, the Dr. was like please you still have plently of time. That was a bit reassuring.
I'm glad you are feeling better about the whole process :) I will continue to pray for you and your hubby

mrsjones1 said:
Thanks ladies, it was a consultation with a new Dr. and God answered my prayers my insurance covers 100% of treatment and I think a lot of greedy Dr.s were seeing $$$$ they were like lets do this and that. This Dr. was like I need to get some more tests done and then WE (meaning she my DH and I) can sit down and talk about options, I have to go back next month for cycle specific testing. I will keep you all updated, thank you for the prayers and please keep praying. I guess I am getting sort of nervous since I will be 34 this year, the Dr. was like please you still have plently of time. That was a bit reassuring.