Prayer Needed


Well-Known Member

I need to request prayer tonite...I am at the end of my rope. Everywhere I turn...dead end. I am so discouraged and disgusted with life right now....where do I go from here

I need to request prayer tonite...I am at the end of my rope. Everywhere I turn...dead end. I am so discouraged and disgusted with life right now....where do I go from here

You go forward. You go up. You keep going until you get your breakthrough. You are never must call upon the One who is able to keep you from falling.

satan wants to get you alone. he wants you to feel discouraged, and disgusted with life so that you can give up. That's his plan for utterly destroy us.

But, God has a plan...and that plan is in His Son, Christ Jesus...who will not suffer you to be tempted beyond what you are able..but with the temptation, make a way of escape for you so that you will be able to bear it.

Father God, in the Name of your Son, Jesus...I lift up my sister before you and I pray that your light will shine forth in her heart. I pray that your will be done in her life, right now and that every hurt, pain and suffering that she is experiencing be removed from her, in the Name of Jesus. That Name that is above every name, that at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

I come against the strongholds of discouragement and thoughts of destruction in her mind. I cancel the assignment of the enemy in this area of her life and break every stronghold in the Name of Jesus. I bind it with fetters and with chains of iron, and I pray that every door be closed in this area, in the Name of Jesus and by the power of His blood.

I pray that the Holy Spirit would come and comfort her, through every tear that is shed, through the deep groanings in her heart. I pray that she will look to you for her eternal peace and that she will see You in all your glory and in all your might.

I thank you, Father, for your Grace is sufficient for her, that your strength is made perfect in her weakness and as she gives these problems over to you, that you will cause her to be victorious...just as you have set for her in her life from the foundations of the earth. She is blessed going in and blessed coming out...everything she puts her hands to...she shall prosper in it!

Thank you Father for my sister and her life, this the Name of Jesus...King of kings and Lord of lords...Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the End!

If you would like to me.

I am praying for you.
The way I see it if you're already down, then the only place to go is UP! ! ! Sounds like you movin up.:yep:

I'm praying for you.

Seems like everybody is under attack lately. God must be getting ready to make a powerful move.