Prayer Needed For Young Solder Who Went A-Wall


Well-Known Member
Prayer Needed For Young Solder Who Went AWOL

I know that I have posted on the "Off Topic"

My neighbor's son who I hold dear to me has gone AWOL for the second time!!
I know this young man is scared. He went into the service for all the wrong reasons.
He left his based 4 days after going in and was talked into returning. Now, He has just graduated from bootcamp and has been reported as going A-Wall after returning home for a brief moment.
His parents have no idea where he is now. He is 19.

Please pray with this family that he will return. He has always been quiet and withdrawn. He is a wonderful loving son and good friend to me. Always polite and kind.
I am afraid along with his parents that he is suicidal.

Please ladies pray for this family and young man.
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Re: Prayer Needed For Young Solder Who Went AWOL

I hope they just let him go! He obviously doent want ot be there fighting another mans war. I am praying for him. I have friends and family in Iraq. I know how it feels. Each and ever agonizing day!