Prayer Language


New Member
I was in church (Assembly of God) Sunday and the preacher was talking about prayer language (praying in tongues). He started asking the congregation questions about how many had spoke in tongues and how many had a prayer tongue. Not a lot of people raised their hands when he asked how many had a prayer tongue and then he asked them if they wanted one. Again, not a lot raised their hands. I grew up in a pentacostal church where speaking in tongues was a natural part of service. During prayer, you prayed, not necessarily in a tongue only known to God (it wasn't a neccessity). He also made a comment about didn't you want to be a complete Christian by having a prayer language. When I pray, I talk to God, I pray, I hear from God. Does it make me less of a Christian because I don't have a prayer tongue?

I guess what I would like to know is if anyone here feels that you need to have a prayer tongue in order to pray? In this same church service we were praying and he told the people to start praying to God in their prayer tongue and there were several that did start praying in tongues. To me this was new because I thought speaking in tongues should be a spontaneous type spiritual thing, not called on by command.

Any comments is appreciated.
I'm so confused I don't even know what to say. First of all, exactly what is praying in tounges? I've heard of it before but I don't know what it is. No clue on the prayer tounge. I pray in regular English.
Why can't you just talk to God? There doesn't have to be any set format, time of day, place or language for that matter.

What this preacher said sounds like something he made up to make people feel inadequate.
BerrySweet said:
I'm so confused I don't even know what to say. First of all, exactly what is praying in tounges? I've heard of it before but I don't know what it is. No clue on the prayer tounge. I pray in regular English.

I guess I should have explained that speaking in tongues, I think it's more common in pentacostal churches than methodist and baptist, not sure. My husband grew up Catholic and he had never heard of it.

But anyway, in the Bible I believe in Acts on the day of Pentacost the people were speaking in unknown tongues, but to the unbelievers that were standing around, they could understand what they were saying (each in his own language). In churches, sometimes you have people during worship or prayer start speaking in an unknown tongue, that to others standing around sounds like mumbo-jumbo (only way I could think of putting it, not trying to be offensive).

I pray in regular English, which I didn't feel anything was wrong with it and I still don't. I just don't like feeling pressured into doing something, unless I am led by God, not man.
mkh_77 said:
Why can't you just talk to God? There doesn't have to be any set format, time of day, place or language for that matter.

What this preacher said sounds like something he made up to make people feel inadequate.

I agree with you, but I also feel that there are those that are young in the Lord in our church and they could feel so uncomfortable or "inadequate" that they aren't full Christians because they don't have a prayer language.

I personally felt this was wrong, stop looking at who has a prayer language and look to God to just bless the service.
BerrySweet said:
I'm so confused I don't even know what to say. First of all, exactly what is praying in tounges? I've heard of it before but I don't know what it is. No clue on the prayer tounge. I pray in regular English.

I have never prayed in tongues. The best way that I can discribe it is. It is one of those prayers where as you are down in the valley and you want to communicate with God but you can't. I mean you know how to pray but this is just one of those times when the Holy Spirit steps in and is praying for you. God knows what you are saying.

IMHO I feel as though it should be done in private. I COR 14 is a scripture of speaking in tongues. Everyting should be done in order. I do not feel that you are "lessed saved" if it is not your gift. Everyone does not do it but I believe that everyone is able.

If the Holy Spirit prayed through me. I sure would not be offended. But he hasn't yet. But I's still saved.

No one should force another person to speak in tongues or try to enforce it on another. It could be embarassing as well as offensive.
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Zeal said:
I have never prayed in tongues. The best way that I can discribe it is. It is one of those prayers where as you are down in the valley and you want to communicate with God but you can't. I mean you know how to pray but this is just one of those times when the Holy Spirit steps in and is praying for you. God knows what you are saying.

IMHO I feel as though it should be done in private. I COR 14 is a scripture of speaking in tongues. I do not feel that you are "lessed saved" if it is not your gift. Everyone does not do it but I believe that everyone is able.

If the Holy Spirit prayed through me. I sure would not be offended.

However, no one should force another person to speak in tongues or try to enforce it on another. It could be embarassing as well as offensive.

That's how I feel. You put it into the right words.
Wow this is incredible. I was just reading on this today. Though I won't have a chance to get to my bible until I get off work, I've been reading about this all morning. And from my reading, I have discovered that every believer in Christ has the ability to receive the gift of speaking in tongues, and should use that gift!

Mark 16:15-20 says--"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with [them], and confirming the Word with signs following. Amen."

Keep in mind I JUST JUST read these scriptures throughout the morning and I will continue to study them. But it is my belief that being filled with the Holy Spirit is not a requirement for salvation, nor does it mean that you MUST speak in tongues; speaking in tongues is the initial evidence that you are is also one of God's ways for edification of the spirit; it is a gift and it is the believer's choice whether or not they will receive the gift. :)

foxxymami said:
Mark 16:15-20 says--"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with [them], and confirming the Word with signs following. Amen."

This was one of the scriptures that was used on Sunday when the preacher was talking about speaking in tongues.
I'm sorry y'all I still don't understand lol. I appreciate the explanations and everything, but I'm still so confused. :eek: Since we're taking about "speaking" this is aloud, correct? And it is only understandable to you? And it's done in private or in Church? I don't want to be rude, but I'm getting a picture in my head of people speaking loud gibberish. :confused: Maybe tounges were jsut other foreign lanaguages? :perplexed
BerrySweet said:
I'm sorry y'all I still don't understand lol. I appreciate the explanations and everything, but I'm still so confused. :eek: Since we're taking about "speaking" this is aloud, correct? And it is only understandable to you? And it's done in private or in Church? I don't want to be rude, but I'm getting a picture in my head of people speaking loud gibberish. :confused: Maybe tounges were jsut other foreign lanaguages? :perplexed

Berry, it's understandable. But to answer your question, yes, it's out loud as if you're praying in your normal speaking voice, and yes, I have hear of people speaking in tongues and it's actually been a foreign language (don't know how true it is, I have never understood any of it). And the picture in your head is about as close to it as I can explain, to those who's not used to it, that's what it will sound or look like.

Like I said earlier, my husband was raised Catholic and I was raised Pentacostal and so he looked like a deer in headlights the first time he heard it in church. There were a lot of things that I was exposed to that he had no clue existed (laying on of hands, speaking in tongues, people that were possessed, etc.).

If anyone else has a better description, maybe it would be helpful to all of us.

I grew up with people around me speaking in tongues. I dont know how they do it and I am not sure if I have done it. Here's why i have said that. I have prayed so intently where gibberish (tongues?) has come out my mouth . . . but to me it was gibberish because in my head I knew what I was saying.

It's never happened out in public because it only happens when I am so overwelmed by what I am feeling, what I am seeing that its almost as if I cant contain it. Usually when something happens and I realize a miracle has been performed in my life and I get overwelmed and awed by God's own love, generosity and foresight. So I am already inside my own head. To do this I need quiet and to be alone so I dont imagine it happening in church.

Does this mean it wasn't tongues? Does this mean I am not spiritally mature enough to do this or feel this way at anytime I want? I dont know. Either way, tongues, no tongues - I am always glad to see God's goodness.
madamdot said:
I grew up with people around me speaking in tongues. I dont know how they do it and I am not sure if I have done it. Here's why i have said that. I have prayed so intently where gibberish (tongues?) has come out my mouth . . . but to me it was gibberish because in my head I knew what I was saying.

It's never happened out in public because it only happens when I am so overwelmed by what I am feeling, what I am seeing that its almost as if I cant contain it. Usually when something happens and I realize a miracle has been performed in my life and I get overwelmed and awed by God's own love, generosity and foresight. So I am already inside my own head. To do this I need quiet and to be alone so I dont imagine it happening in church.

Does this mean it wasn't tongues? Does this mean I am not spiritally mature enough to do this or feel this way at anytime I want? I dont know. Either way, tongues, no tongues - I am always glad to see God's goodness.

I personally think that the tongues are when God takes over and it's a moment between you and Him. Yes, others may be able to hear the "tongues" and unless they were given the gift of interpretation, they may not know what you are saying, even though in your heart and head you understand every word, but unless God gives someone the interpretation, it's only meant to be an intimate moment between you and Him.

I don't know if I would say that speaking in tongues are only for those that are mature in Christ, I just think that it's something that can happen to anybody whether you're mature or a new soul in Christ.
Margerita, I am also Pentecostal, and do know what the pastor was talking about. I dont agree with the forcing part or the not being saved if you dont. PM me if you would like to discuss this further. This topic has tried being discussed here once before with not too good results.
Ok, one more question. Can other people understand the "tounges" if they are spoken aloud? Thanks for being so patient with me y'all.
Ok...I have a question....It has always been my understanding that the "prayer tongue" is in fact a gift from God (someone did say that), but my question is about speaking in unknown tongues in a room full of people.....WITHOUT AN INTERPETER!!! Now it has always been my understanding that when we come together as a body (church) that we are there for the edification of each other and to worship and understand together. Now my problem with speaking in tongues comes in when you have 1000 people there all praying in their private prayer tongues and no one else understands what is being said!! I do believe that the Holy Spirit does give the ability to speak in tongues within the congregation, but I also thought that the Holy Spirit would also give an interpreter (sp) so that the entire body could understand together. Somone please help clear this up.
You are not less of a Christian if you don't speak/pray in tongues.

Your post was well said. I agree with it. I agree that it should be done in private. It is not supposed to be done in public unless someone is available to interpret. (according to the Bible) I have never understood the people that pray/speak loudly in tongues in public settings.
Okay here's what Ive found. Speaking in tounges= speaking in a language that you woudl not ordinarily know. There are soem people who can speak in other languages (I dont mean Spanish but 200 year old dialects of Latin) No just pure gibberish but actual languages of the past. There are few people that can actually do this and be proven by scientists. But is has been done. If anyone has every seen this movie where the girl is going thru the same thing Jesus did on the cross (she gets the wounds of Christ) It has a part where a man is bought in to translate a 600 year old langage being spoken out of her mouth. THAT is speaking in tounges. Sometimes it sounds like gibberish and sometimes it IS gibberish. As someone said before they do it because they are praying too fast and it comes out jumbled. Those who are actually speaking in another toungue are gifted. Most of the time when it does occur and they are actually speaking another language, its a very old language.
I forgot to add that although I can not speak in tougues or pray in toungues God understand my elgish perfectly as he is the one that gave this language to me :) Besides no matter how I pray my prayers are answered. SO who ever is excluding you and your 'plain' prayer language is excluding God.
The church I was saved in (Apostolic) teaches that you aren't really saved unless you have the evidence of speaking in tongues. Once you are baptized they tarry with you at the alter until you speak in tongues. (After church is over ). They say because not only is that your evidence of the Holy Ghost dwelling within you, but it edifies you when you go back into the world. (Of course a newly saved Christian gets the devil heated :mad: and is prime target :lol:). I never fully bought into that though. I know too many people dead and alive whose lives were a testament that have never spoken in tongues and said to myself well if they ain't goin to Heaven I know I'm not. Tongues or no tongues :lol:

I've also talked to devout Christians who believe it's from the devil.
So I guess I'm somewhere between really saved and possessed by the devil. lol!
Supergirl said:
You are not less of a Christian if you don't speak/pray in tongues.

Your post was well said. I agree with it. I agree that it should be done in private. It is not supposed to be done in public unless someone is available to interpret. (according to the Bible) I have never understood the people that pray/speak loudly in tongues in public settings.

Thank you Supergirl!!:grin:
Thanks Margerita


madamdot said:
I grew up with people around me speaking in tongues. I dont know how they do it and I am not sure if I have done it. Here's why i have said that. I have prayed so intently where gibberish (tongues?) has come out my mouth . . . but to me it was gibberish because in my head I knew what I was saying.

It's never happened out in public because it only happens when I am so overwelmed by what I am feeling, what I am seeing that its almost as if I cant contain it. Usually when something happens and I realize a miracle has been performed in my life and I get overwelmed and awed by God's own love, generosity and foresight. So I am already inside my own head. To do this I need quiet and to be alone so I dont imagine it happening in church.

Does this mean it wasn't tongues? Does this mean I am not spiritally mature enough to do this or feel this way at anytime I want? I dont know. Either way, tongues, no tongues - I am always glad to see God's goodness.

Now this is what I am talking about.
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Margerita said:
This was one of the scriptures that was used on Sunday when the preacher was talking about speaking in tongues.

The scripture says NEW tongues not unknown tongues. You are not supposed to dbate the sctipture but this is debateable. A new tongue could point to the book of James the 3rd chapter.
beyondcute said:
Okay here's what Ive found. Speaking in tounges= speaking in a language that you woudl not ordinarily know. There are soem people who can speak in other languages (I dont mean Spanish but 200 year old dialects of Latin) No just pure gibberish but actual languages of the past. There are few people that can actually do this and be proven by scientists. But is has been done. If anyone has every seen this movie where the girl is going thru the same thing Jesus did on the cross (she gets the wounds of Christ) It has a part where a man is bought in to translate a 600 year old langage being spoken out of her mouth. THAT is speaking in tounges. Sometimes it sounds like gibberish and sometimes it IS gibberish. As someone said before they do it because they are praying too fast and it comes out jumbled. Those who are actually speaking in another toungue are gifted. Most of the time when it does occur and they are actually speaking another language, its a very old language.

THANK YOU BEY!!! Now I understand!!!!

The church I was saved in (Apostolic) teaches that you aren't really saved unless you have the evidence of speaking in tongues. Once you are baptized they tarry with you at the alter until you speak in tongues. (After church is over ). They say because not only is that your evidence of the Holy Ghost dwelling within you, but it edifies you when you go back into the world. (Of course a newly saved Christian gets the devil heated :mad: and is prime target :lol:). I never fully bought into that though. I know too many people dead and alive whose lives were a testament that have never spoken in tongues and said to myself well if they ain't goin to Heaven I know I'm not. Tongues or no tongues :lol:

I've also talked to devout Christians who believe it's from the devil.
So I guess I'm somewhere between really saved and possessed by the devil. lol!

What does that mean "tary?" :lol: :lol: your post was soo funny!

Zeal how would you know if a tongue was new??
BerrySweet said:
What does that mean "tary?"

When I was growing up, when they would "tarry" with you, you would actually be calling on the name of "Jesus" over and over until "they" said you started speaking in "new" tongues. But I found a problem with this because if someone had been on that altar for hours, calling on the name of Jesus after a while was going to sound like they were speaking in tongues because they were going to be tired, dry mouth and everything else.

I am not saying that tarrying is wrong, for some people that may be what they need. I feel that the moment you make that first step and say that I want to be saved, Jesus has come into your heart and cleaned it up and made it His home. He will give you the new tongues.
BerrySweet said:
THANK YOU BEY!!! Now I understand!!!!

What does that mean "tary?" your post was soo funny!

Zeal how would you know if a tongue was new??

Tarry means to wait on the Lord until he comes. In the apostolic church you will see kids and or adults kneeling in front of the church saying, "Thank you Jesus" over and over again. It is as if they are begging God to send the Holy Spirit when he already promised he would as soon as you accept him.

It is tramatic because they believe if they don't speak they are not saved. So some are actually pleading. No offensed to anyone. This is bondage.

My grandmother was Apostolic so I know all the jargon. I grew up Baptist and knew that I was saved. She would make little comments to her friends because I wore pants. "oh, she gonna get saved one day" When I knew in my heart that I was a Child of God. So there was no need to comment. She played favorites to the Apostolic grand kids. But that is a whole different show, and thread :lachen:

No offense to anyone who is Apostolic.

As stated the best way I can explain a new tongue is James Chapter 3.

A new (change)tongue and unknown tongue are 2 different things. A new tongue could be... instead of cursing Betty out because she looked at me funny is to just say Hello. Instead of gossiping I am edifying. Instead of cursing like a sailor, I am forming a gramatically correct sentence without using one profane word.
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Margerita said:
When I was growing up, when they would "tarry" with you, you would actually be calling on the name of "Jesus" over and over until "they" said you started speaking in "new" tongues. But I found a problem with this because if someone had been on that altar for hours, calling on the name of Jesus after a while was going to sound like they were speaking in tongues because they were going to be tired, dry mouth and everything else.

I am not saying that tarrying is wrong, for some people that may be what they need. I feel that the moment you make that first step and say that I want to be saved, Jesus has come into your heart and cleaned it up and made it His home. He will give you the new tongues.

This also was done in the A.M.E Church (African Methodist Episcopal). My father and older sister were raised in the same church and this was the means in which they were filled with the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit. My father was 16 and my sister was 12 when they tarried. Which as was said, means to "wait on the Lord". They sat on a bench at the front of the church while the church nurse rubbed their backs and prayed over them. They didn't necessarily say anything themselves. My father says he felt like a lightening bolt hit him and he came to later on the floor. My sister said she got tired of sitting and being embarrassed in front of all those people so she just stood and started crying and thanking Jesus, so they assumed she had gotten the Holy Ghost and sent her back to her mother. She just told me that story yesterday because coincidentally we are learning about this in our Perfecting Class in church. It is still cracking me up. BUT she says when she was about 16, in the same church, she did have an experience where she got caught up in the sermon and when she woke up she was on the other side of the church. She says she knows that was her real Holy Ghost experience.

As far as what was said about being saved and being filled with the Holy Spirit. My pastor's explanation in our last class was that they are NOT one in the same. Once you have confessed with your mouth that you believe Christ died on the cross for your sins, you are are saved. Now being filled with the Holy Spirit is part of your spiritual growth after your initial step of salvation. It allows you to be a witness. He said speaking is tongues is secondary evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Believing that God has filled you with the Holy Spirit is actually first evidence. He said many people do have the gift of speaking in tongues and it can come upon you at any time, but you must develop it through personal devotion and meditation on God's Word. There are several hinderances to being filled with the Holy Spirit...I don't have my class notes with me at the moment, but a few are fear, doubt, unbelief, low self-esteem, an unrunly tongue and the others I can't remember off hand. If anyone is interested I will share those with you and all the scriptures we were given associated with being filled with the Holy Spirit. Also, very importantly, speaking in tongues, according to pastor, is not meant to be understood by the speaker or anyone else. When a person begins speaking in tongues, he has actually gone into a much deeper communication with God where the Holy Spirit has then begun to intercede and "fill in the gaps" for the person praying. In other words, oftentimes there are issues we have and we really don't know where to begin to look for answers or what kind of resolution to pray for. When you go into the your personal, secluded devotion and seek God through prayer and reading the Word, all of a sudden you may begin to get into this prayer language where the Holy Spirit is now interceding on your behalf or maybe on behalf of other people you need to be praying for and have no idea. The Holy Spirit always intercedes before a situation will actually come to pass. So not only will you not understand but neither will anyone else. But you will receive the answer you are seeking from God, and that will be fully understandable to you. When it comes to praying for a situation you have full knowledge of, there is no need for speaking in tongues, unless the Holy Spirit knows the need for intercession. I hope this has helped someone and not confused them. It took me a while to get to this point of understanding because I was raised Baptist and never learned these things. I thought speaking in tongues was a form of hoax played on the congregation or mind game, because the first time I saw it done was when I was a child and it scared me. I was visiting another church and had no idea what was going on. I can't believe I never learned any better. So it was real heard for me to put aside preconceived notions and learn the truth. Now I seek to learn more and more about the gift and, if it is God's will, to have that personal language/connection with him.
I was raised non-denominational, but my church was almost identical to Pentecostal, except for the speaking in tongues and the "filling of the Holy Spirit". I am praying on this topic of a "second work of the Holy Spirit" because I hear/read so many different things. (By the way, all Christian jargon is in quotation marks because not everyone is used to the same lingo.) My own personal experience is that I gave my life to God when I was 9. As a teenager, I backslid into sin and was on my way to eternal damnation.

To make a long story short, I re-dedicated my life to God in '99 and have been growing ever since. In 2001, I was reading Tommy Tenney's book "The God Chasers" while at home. There was a prayer in the book that I prayed with complete earnestness, asking for God to take control of my life, as even saved folk get out of touch. At some point during the prayer, I was instantly aware of the presence of God. Ya'll. I cannot fully communicate to you what this felt like. There was a heaviness (like there was something/someone else in the room with me) and I felt/was aware of something(s) in constant motion around me, swirling. Later, I read about Elijah who *saw* some angels have wheels (cherubim) that are constantly moving. (Imagine my surprise!!) I saw nothing, but felt God's presence like NEVER before. The Lord ministered to me and I heard the command "speak". When I opened my mouth, words were flowing out that I didn't even know! To me, it sounded somewhat like Chinese. This was odd to me because everyone that I ever heard speak in tongues sound the same. I did *not* know what I was saying; although, I felt the effects. I felt stronger, spiritually. All of this was almost too much for me, but I still crave more.

Since having spoken in tongues, I can say that my level of power has not increased because of this, but rather because of my dedication to spending more time in the Word. I rarely speak in tongues. It is never by the provocation of any person, only when I feel that familiar urge (can't really explain the details of that one!). In my opinion, until the Lord reveals something else to me, tongues are one of MANY gifts. They should not be done aloud publicly without an interpreter, which is *often* violated. Without an interpreter, it is intended for personal edification/ to be done in private. Because it was spoken on the day of Pentecost does not mean that every encounter of the Holy Spirit will continue in that same formula. Any thoughts on this? I am interested in personal testimonies?
There are MANY fruits of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues is one way the Holy Spirit can manifest in a believer, and then if for the benefit of a person who needs whatever message is being sent. If different languages (or tongues) are being spoken, then someone must be there to interpret. What good is a message if no one understands it. Also, many things occured in the infancy of the Church that do not happen now because these things are not necessary. The early Christians didn't have the written Word of God, like we do now. God had to reach those people in different ways because there was no Bible. We have the Word of God in the form of the Bible. We can read about what God has for us to know. Another point, and maybe the whole piont to this post: God gives us everything we need, even the words to speak with Him. Ask God how to pray, He will answer.
Zeal said:
I have never prayed in tongues. The best way that I can discribe it is. It is one of those prayers where as you are down in the valley and you want to communicate with God but you can't. I mean you know how to pray but this is just one of those times when the Holy Spirit steps in and is praying for you. God knows what you are saying.

IMHO I feel as though it should be done in private. I COR 14 is a scripture of speaking in tongues. Everyting should be done in order. I do not feel that you are "lessed saved" if it is not your gift. Everyone does not do it but I believe that everyone is able.

If the Holy Spirit prayed through me. I sure would not be offended. But he hasn't yet. But I's still saved.

No one should force another person to speak in tongues or try to enforce it on another. It could be embarassing as well as offensive.

ITA with Zeal's response. I do feel the presence of the Holy Spirit sometimes when I pray, and I break down and cry. But I don't speak in tongues. I have friends who do, but only in private and they do not believe that it is necessary for a relationship with Christ or salvation.
Like Lavender's sister...many people who visit or worship at churches such as those fake their "Holy Ghost experience" or tongues in order to satify the congregation/leadership. This is defeating the whole purpose.