Prayer & Getting Closer to God


Well-Known Member
I know I need to get closer to God. I keep trying, but I feel like God is not hearing me. I haven't given up yet, though. I am still praying, but it seems like me and my husband are arguing more and more and getting further apart while I am waiting on God.

Pray for my family. I have 4 children and my marriage seems to be falling apart. I can't see why it is worth staying in. Too many things have been said.......too much "bad blood" between us.

Pray that God draws me closer to him and that my relationship with him becomes stronger. Pray for my marriage and my children. I think the devil is attacking us.

Please give me some guidance on what I should be doing to get closer to God.
God could be hearing and answering your prayers. He could be showing you something you have not seen before in your marriage. God does hear and answer prayers but not on our terms. I am sorry to hear you going through so much emotional stress.
Why do you feel as if God isn't hearing you? Are you in a prayer rut?

Try this: Tonight when you pray, start off thanking God for at least 5 things that happened today. Spend time before you pray in reflection on your BLESSINGS...start with gratitude, then petition God for the things you desire. Tell God how you feel...acknowledge His will, and if you so desire, ask Him to show it to you.

Be mindful that if you're trying to grow closer to God, the devil will come at you from every direction. He is seeking to destroy you and your marriage in the face of your prayers and hopes. Just be aware that the devil is active...particularly when we're growing closer to God.

If you don't see why your marriage is worth staying in, why are you asking God to fix it?? If you want God to reconcile you and your husband, you must believe that He will. Otherwise, you're asking for one thing but believing another. The Bible repeatedly states that according to our faith, we are granted or not granted our desires. If you truly want to remain in this marriage and have a fulfilling relationship, your THOUGHTS must be positive ones. The ENERGY that you emit in your home is contagious, and everyone around you responds to it whether you realize it or not. Throughout the day, think about the great qualities your husband has...think about why you married him and why you fell in love with him. See him doing the things you wish he'd do...think about how you would feel if the two of you were on one accord. These thoughts and feelings will manifest themselves over time.

Are you reading the Bible? This is a great way to grow closer to God. I would certainly recommend reading scriptures on faith, courage, and trust in God. These things will serve to draw you closer to God and give you stamina to get through this rough time.

Have you considered counseling? Is your husband a man of God? I'd suggest that the two of you pray TOGETHER because there is power in couples praying for and WITH each other. Also, counseling may help the two of you talk through your issues and reach a resolution.

Above all else, you must BELIEVE God for what you're asking for. As dynamic and powerful as our God is, we should walk away from our prayer feeling rejuvenated, encouraged, and confident. He loves you, and He's got your back. :)

You & your family will be in my prayers.

Looking back, sometimes when I thought the Lord was not hearing me, I now know that the Lord was hearing me and giving me an answer as well. Just not the one I wanted. Open your heart and mind to him and you will find an answer when He sends it. God Bless you and keep you.
Thank you for your responses. I have read over them many times. You're right, God does hear my prayers. Divine Inspiration, you were right on target when you said that I have to believe what I am praying for.

So, thank you for your words of wisdom and suggestions. I am looking at things differently now and also praying with a believing heart.

neet4 said:
Thank you for your responses. I have read over them many times. You're right, God does hear my prayers. Divine Inspiration, you were right on target when you said that I have to believe what I am praying for.

So, thank you for your words of wisdom and suggestions. I am looking at things differently now and also praying with a believing heart.


I agree with Divininspiration about the counseling. Look for a Christian counselor. Suggest it to your husband and let him know you are serious. If your husband won't go right away, go alone. It will be a start. And you will be able to get to the heart of things more quickly.

I'm praying for God's will in your marriage and the lives of your children.

Be blessed and keep us posted.
Divine Inspiration said:
Why do you feel as if God isn't hearing you? Are you in a prayer rut?

Try this: Tonight when you pray, start off thanking God for at least 5 things that happened today. Spend time before you pray in reflection on your BLESSINGS...start with gratitude, then petition God for the things you desire. Tell God how you feel...acknowledge His will, and if you so desire, ask Him to show it to you.

Be mindful that if you're trying to grow closer to God, the devil will come at you from every direction. He is seeking to destroy you and your marriage in the face of your prayers and hopes. Just be aware that the devil is active...particularly when we're growing closer to God.

If you don't see why your marriage is worth staying in, why are you asking God to fix it?? If you want God to reconcile you and your husband, you must believe that He will. Otherwise, you're asking for one thing but believing another. The Bible repeatedly states that according to our faith, we are granted or not granted our desires. If you truly want to remain in this marriage and have a fulfilling relationship, your THOUGHTS must be positive ones. The ENERGY that you emit in your home is contagious, and everyone around you responds to it whether you realize it or not. Throughout the day, think about the great qualities your husband has...think about why you married him and why you fell in love with him. See him doing the things you wish he'd do...think about how you would feel if the two of you were on one accord. These thoughts and feelings will manifest themselves over time.

Are you reading the Bible? This is a great way to grow closer to God. I would certainly recommend reading scriptures on faith, courage, and trust in God. These things will serve to draw you closer to God and give you stamina to get through this rough time.

Have you considered counseling? Is your husband a man of God? I'd suggest that the two of you pray TOGETHER because there is power in couples praying for and WITH each other. Also, counseling may help the two of you talk through your issues and reach a resolution.

Above all else, you must BELIEVE God for what you're asking for. As dynamic and powerful as our God is, we should walk away from our prayer feeling rejuvenated, encouraged, and confident. He loves you, and He's got your back. :)

You & your family will be in my prayers.


Awesome!!!! DI, your post are so on point! You are annointed lady!!!;)
I was given this really good book. Check it out. It speaks wonders to the heart.

The Power of a Praying Wife
Author: Stormie Omartian

Her husband, Michael Omartian, also wrote the book The Power of a Praying Husband which could be a great gift for or husband. You two could fellowship together on what you read.

I'm currently starting back up on reading my book on The Power of a Praying Wife...

GOD moves in your life when the time is right...Keep your trust in him...
