
New Member
Father God I come on behalf of all my sisters in LHCF. Lord I lift each one up to you right now. Lord you know what each desire is, what each need is, Father I ask that you strengthen those that are weak, encourage those that are discourage, bless those that are in need of finances and joy and peace and more of your love.

Father I bind up the works of the enemy and decree and declare that no weapon formed against us shall proper. Father today I ask that you go with us and station your angels around us and keep us in your care and in your will.

This day father I call down supernatural blessings and anointing on each of your children, show yourself in each life like never before.

These and other blessings I ask in Jesus name.

Thank you and Lord do it exceedingly, abundantly and above all that we can even imagine.
And I triple the Amens and triple the blessings multiplied unto you 1000-fold, for your love so bold.

God bless you, angel and thank you so much....

Love, Shimmie...:)