Prayer for Obama in these last few moments of the election


New Member
I just want to take time now to acknowledge the Lord for what He has done for us, for the nation, and for Obama. The Lord has graciously given us a man of courage, of leadership, and of great endurance. A man who has taken on tremendous responsibility and challenges in days past and most recently. I confess that there were times when I doubted, when I was on the edge of my chair, and when I just didn't think for a moment that I or America would be ready for this historical event. Thank God for providing for him and for his family. For sustaining the rest of us through difficult times, times when we had to hear the naysayers. Thank God for promoting a man who may not have had the resources that most other politicians had when they began their journey. Thank God for keeping him safe and sound. Thank God for the people who came into his life to help him along life's journey, from his family to his friends, to his wife, to his neighbors. Right now, I pray that really, God's will be done. That whatever God wills, be done in this election. Win or lose, I pray that God's will be done. Not just my will. Not even just Obama's will. But God's will. For that would be the best thing to ever happen to him, to me, and to this nation. That is my prayer. Amen.
I know y'all might not believe me...but the holy spirit told me that he was going to win.

Thank God in Jesus name.

I believe you. I had a dream about him winning the election three weeks ago-I even saw which states would be blue. Still on cloud 9............