Prayer for New Job


Well-Known Member
Please pray for me.

I am very unhappy with my current employment. As of today, I plan to resign this week. I do not have another job however it seems this is my only option.

I interviewed with a company about 2 weeks ago. Last week, they contacted all of my reference. I am waiting to hear back from them. I expect to hear from them this week hopefully.

I've prayed. I've cried. I've prayed. I've cried. I am a single parent and I don't know what to do.

Please keep me lifted in prayer as this week will be huge for me.

Thank you.
I have said a prayer for you. But if you can please don't quit before you have another job lined up! Hugs.
I agree, do not quit your job just yet! I had several instances where I wanted to quit my job immediately because I was 100% sure I was going to get another job. On two occasions, I was turned down even after having my inside contacts escalate my applicant materials. I should've been hired for those positions. I had the right references and contacts to make it happen. But it didn't. Not saying this will happen, but just don't get ahead of yourself and ahead of God.

I will keep you in my prayers my dear! Many of us, including me, are going through the same thing with our current employer.
I will keep you in my prayers. I am looking for a new job as well so I know how you feel. Please try and hold on until you find something else.
I've cried so much. I just can't go on there. Management is very vindictive towards me. I just want to leave now. I have no other choice. I wish I could hold on.
Trust God. Believe.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
I've cried so much. I just can't go on there. Management is very vindictive towards me. I just want to leave now. I have no other choice. I wish I could hold on.

Hey Dear One... 'Fear Not' for God is with you and He will not forsake you.

As for the unfair treatment towards you on your job, I understand that it is not easy and you just want to break away and not have to deal with facing this not one more day, let alone one more moment.

However, hold on for as long as you can and let God protect you from them.

Father in Jesus' Name, we bow before you heart and soul, thanking you for being your daughter, ClassicChic 's protector, vindicator and provider. Please surround her with your loving presence no matter where she is and where she goes and especially as she works to take care of her family.

Let those who have been bullying her, feel the shame of their ways; convict them deep within their souls and show them, the error of their ways. Let them be fearful of continuing this evil behaviour towards your daughter and remove them one by one, should they rebel against you and continue further with their ways.

Give your daughter peace and tranquility that she has ever known and let it increase and bless her and keep her strong until you have placed her in another blessed position to take care of her family. Protect her heart and capture her tears, for they mean much to you, as this is your daughter whom you love and adore.

In Jesus' Name, we call an end to this evil treatment of her. And she shall dwell in peace from this day forward. Amen.
Hey Dear One... 'Fear Not' for God is with you and He will not forsake you.

As for the unfair treatment towards you on your job, I understand that it is not easy and you just want to break away and not have to deal with facing this not one more day, let alone one more moment.

However, hold on for as long as you can and let God protect you from them.

Father in Jesus' Name, we bow before you heart and soul, thanking you for being your daughter, @ClassicChic 's protector, vindicator and provider. Please surround her with your loving presence no matter where she is and where she goes and especially as she works to take care of her family.

Let those who have been bullying her, feel the shame of their ways; convict them deep within their souls and show them, the error of their ways. Let them be fearful of continuing this evil behaviour towards your daughter and remove them one by one, should they rebel against you and continue further with their ways.

Give your daughter peace and tranquility that she has ever known and let it increase and bless her and keep her strong until you have placed her in another blessed position to take care of her family. Protect her heart and capture her tears, for they mean much to you, as this is your daughter whom you love and adore.

In Jesus' Name, we call an end to this evil treatment of her. And she shall dwell in peace from this day forward. Amen.

Shimmie Wow! Amen, this is nice. I hope she is able to hold on until she finds another position. It's hard out there with a job, imagine without.
Hey Dear One... 'Fear Not' for God is with you and He will not forsake you. As for the unfair treatment towards you on your job, I understand that it is not easy and you just want to break away and not have to deal with facing this not one more day, let alone one more moment. However, hold on for as long as you can and let God protect you from them. Father in Jesus' Name, we bow before you heart and soul, thanking you for being your daughter, ClassicChic 's protector, vindicator and provider. Please surround her with your loving presence no matter where she is and where she goes and especially as she works to take care of her family. Let those who have been bullying her, feel the shame of their ways; convict them deep within their souls and show them, the error of their ways. Let them be fearful of continuing this evil behaviour towards your daughter and remove them one by one, should they rebel against you and continue further with their ways. Give your daughter peace and tranquility that she has ever known and let it increase and bless her and keep her strong until you have placed her in another blessed position to take care of her family. Protect her heart and capture her tears, for they mean much to you, as this is your daughter whom you love and adore. In Jesus' Name, we call an end to this evil treatment of her. And she shall dwell in peace from this day forward. Amen.
Thank you so much Shimmie!! These words are so powerful and mean so much to me right now. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. ((Hugs))
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Thank you so much Shimmie!! These words are so powerful and mean so much to me right now. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. ((Hugs))

It's going to get better for you, Much, much better. God has a plan that surpasses all of this. Those who are cruel towards you, is because they 'fear' you. But God is with you.

For you ClassicChic... :love2:

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." And God granted his request.

1 Chronicles 4:10
Shimmie Wow! Amen, this is nice. I hope she is able to hold on until she finds another position. It's hard out there with a job, imagine without.

Thank you Misseyl. I know what it's like to be 'Black' female and bullied in the workplace. It's hard and only by God's grace we pull through it and God blesses us in big and precious ways. :yep:
Hey Dear One... 'Fear Not' for God is with you and He will not forsake you.

As for the unfair treatment towards you on your job, I understand that it is not easy and you just want to break away and not have to deal with facing this not one more day, let alone one more moment.

However, hold on for as long as you can and let God protect you from them.

Father in Jesus' Name, we bow before you heart and soul, thanking you for being your daughter, ClassicChic 's protector, vindicator and provider. Please surround her with your loving presence no matter where she is and where she goes and especially as she works to take care of her family.

Let those who have been bullying her, feel the shame of their ways; convict them deep within their souls and show them, the error of their ways. Let them be fearful of continuing this evil behaviour towards your daughter and remove them one by one, should they rebel against you and continue further with their ways.

Give your daughter peace and tranquility that she has ever known and let it increase and bless her and keep her strong until you have placed her in another blessed position to take care of her family. Protect her heart and capture her tears, for they mean much to you, as this is your daughter whom you love and adore.

In Jesus' Name, we call an end to this evil treatment of her. And she shall dwell in peace from this day forward. Amen.

Amen...Amen...Amen! This bought tears to my eyes because I can feel in my spirit t it came from a sincere and loving place!
Thank you so much Shimmie!! These words are so powerful and mean so much to me right now. Tears are streaming down my face as I type this. ((Hugs))

You CAN make it, please hang in there...we all been there at one time or another...It may not seem so right this moment, but all this mistreatment is going to further build your character and strengthen your resolve don't let them see you sweat, stay until HE opens another door.
Praise Report!!!!

I got the job!!

I can't describe how I feel right now. It has been a journey. I ton of bricks has bee lifted off of my shoulders. He is my savior, protector and deliver!!!
Praise Report!!!!

I got the job!!

I can't describe how I feel right now. It has been a journey. I ton of bricks has bee lifted off of my shoulders. He is my savior, protector and deliver!!!

Well Glory to God! :woohoo2:

Happy for you ClassicChic... so happy.

Now it's time to dance. :happydance:
Thank you too everyone!

I have been extremely tired. Carrying stress is equivalent to carrying a ton of cement. I, literally, have no energy.

Ive been trying to clean my house and mind. I do not want to carry any old baggage with me. I am creating positive energy around me.

God truly heard my cries!! I am so thankful. I really humbled myself to receive this blessing.

Thanks again!!!!
Thank you too everyone!

I have been extremely tired. Carrying stress is equivalent to carrying a ton of cement. I, literally, have no energy.

Ive been trying to clean my house and mind. I do not want to carry any old baggage with me. I am creating positive energy around me.

God truly heard my cries!! I am so thankful. I really humbled myself to receive this blessing.

Thanks again!!!!


Congratulations, again! Please keep us posted, okay? I'm still praying that God's presence is already in your new position. But that He also has more for you and at the 'appointed time', you will flow, without fear nor stress, in that new direction. You shall also be debt free, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

God bless you. :pray:

I've been busy with the new job. Everything is good. Nice people and great environment. It's a lot to learn because it is so different from my last job. It feels so good to be in a positive place.

I am so grateful to God for opening this door. I thank all of you as well!
praise THE LORD! I am so happy you have a new job! I also finally got a new job and start on Wednesday. I was in the same boat as yourself. Whoooooo So happy to be free!
I have started a new part time is 4 hours daily and a split shift. I am monitoring a sick child who cannot travel to school without a nurse.

After the first run i go home and house clean. I am getting so much done!