Prayer for my Uncle


New Member
My Uncle has custody of his two girls. His olderest is 16. She has snuck guys in while he was sleep or at work. (he is 60) Well saturday she snuck at guy in and he woke up and caught them and the guy begain to tell him he did not have to leave and they got into a altercation and the kid trys to jump my uncle and he stabes the kid and is in jail and the kid is in the hospital. DFS took his girls and placed them with family. They live in CT.

Well I don't know the whole story she says he treats her bad and that is why she has run away and is trying to go to be with her mom and other siblings. Her mom is a crack addict and she was taken for that reason. He has tried but I just don't know. He has another son that is in jail for drug smuggling.

Would yall try to get her? I just don't think I can. I am just not patient with mess and I feel if she is sniking guys in while he is sleep then I feel all the stuff she is doing there she will do when she come here, and I don't know the true story of what she has really been doing. The family is getting money together so he can get out. His hearing date if the 17th. Please pray for him.

What yall think?
I think I would stay out of it, but continue to pray for her. Even if her father "treats her bad" - which I qualify with the "if", is no excuse for her to sneak guys in the house. She may actual appreciate that her father did take care of her after this experience of being displaced, and realize that discipline that he gave her was for her own benefit.