Prayer for my Dad


Well-Known Member
If anyone is awake at this hour, would you mind saying a prayer for my Dad? He has a heart procedure in the morning. Any thoughts and/or prayers are appreciated!
If anyone is awake at this hour, would you mind saying a prayer for my Dad? He has a heart procedure in the morning. Any thoughts and/or prayers are appreciated!


As God has promised in His Word... "A new Heart will I give Him".

Precious Onamshn... I pray for your Dad's peace and health beyond the verbal and heartfelt prayers which are indeed real and sincere.

I thank God for renewing your Dad's strength, his immunity to all infections, harmful bacteria and diseases. Only good shall come as a result of this path in his life...only good. His strength shall go from God's glory to glory and fill his heart...his new heart from God shall be filled with strength, faith and peace.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :giveheart:
Will pray for you! May He watch over your father and give him the strength to recover speedily.
Praying for restoration of mind, body, spirit and soul for your Dad, in Jesus' name. When God restores, He doesn't do it halfway..wholeness. I keep him lifted up today! Amein~

As God has promised in His Word... "A new Heart will I give Him".

Precious Onamshn... I pray for your Dad's peace and health beyond the verbal and heartfelt prayers which are indeed real and sincere.

I thank God for renewing your Dad's strength, his immunity to all infections, harmful bacteria and diseases. Only good shall come as a result of this path in his life...only good. His strength shall go from God's glory to glory and fill his heart...his new heart from God shall be filled with strength, faith and peace.

In Jesus' Name... Amen and Amen. :giveheart:

Thank you!!!!! AMEN AND AMEN!!!
UPDATE....we arrived at the hospital ( a different one from where the initial testing was done), and he is prepped to be taken back to the procedure. The doctor told me before he left that the previous test could have given a false result, he would have to have stents to help open what was blocked, or open heart surgery. I prayed and cried after he left because I DID WANT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN TO MY DADDY. My Mom passed away almost 3 months ago, so I just did not know how much I could take. The nurse came back in and said that the initial test gave the false result, this happens in about 15% of patients. I know that this was God answering my prayers as well as the ones you all sent ahead for him. I just cannot thank each of you enough! Your thoughtfulness is quite overwhelming!!! **cyber hug**
UPDATE....we arrived at the hospital ( a different one from where the initial testing was done), and he is prepped to be taken back to the procedure. The doctor told me before he left that the previous test could have given a false result, he would have to have stents to help open what was blocked, or open heart surgery. I prayed and cried after he left because I DID WANT ANYTHING TO HAPPEN TO MY DADDY. My Mom passed away almost 3 months ago, so I just did not know how much I could take. The nurse came back in and said that the initial test gave the false result, this happens in about 15% of patients. I know that this was God answering my prayers as well as the ones you all sent ahead for him. I just cannot thank each of you enough! Your thoughtfulness is quite overwhelming!!! **cyber hug**

That's fantastic!! Ironically enough my mom is dealing with the same issues.

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