Prayer for employment for my son

Natural Love

New Member
I was in Walgreen’s yesterday when this man walked up to me to tell me that they are hiring at Lowe’s. I know that he is an employee at Lowe’s because when I’ve gone there in the past he helped with finding some things.

At any rate, he gave me his number, work and cell, and told me that if I knew of anyone looking for work that they are hiring. My son has been out of work for almost a year and we all know how hard financially that can be but glory be to God, I have been able to handle that as well as the extra mouth to feed. It would really help, though, if my son can start working again.

Please pray with me that this situation will work out according to God’s will and that my son will soon be gainfully employed.

God bless....
I am praying for you and your son and please pray for mine he is in the same boat been with me for two years now. Its been really rough him trying to find something.