Prayer for a mothers of an incarcerated son


New Member
I have a 21 year old son in jail awaiting trial on a felony charge. I am fasting and praying that God will allow him to go free and carry out the plan that He birthed him into the world to carry out His purpose. My son, Brandon, has accepted Christ as his Saviour and I am thankful and rejoice at his decision considering over two years ago he had decided that there was no God. I know some would say that everyone should pay for their sins all the time, but honestly, ask yourself where would you be if you or I, for that matter, received the punishment for the sins we've committed. I am interceding for him just as Moses did knowing the dramatic transformation the Word has wrought in his life. Pray with me that most of all God's will be manifested in this situation.

Thank you all in advance.
akilijata said:
I have a 21 year old son in jail awaiting trial on a felony charge. I am fasting and praying that God will allow him to go free and carry out the plan that He birthed him into the world to carry out His purpose. My son, Brandon, has accepted Christ as his Saviour and I am thankful and rejoice at his decision considering over two years ago he had decided that there was no God. I know some would say that everyone should pay for their sins all the time, but honestly, ask yourself where would you be if you or I, for that matter, received the punishment for the sins we've committed. I am interceding for him just as Moses did knowing the dramatic transformation the Word has wrought in his life. Pray with me that most of all God's will be manifested in this situation.

Thank you all in advance.

I'm willing to fast and pray in agreement with you. When is his trial date? Please, let me know. The laws of man and God are different, and having faced a similar situation just last November with a close family member, I can tell you that God made a way out of NO WAY!! When the judge wanted to say no, he had to say YES because the saints were praying and fasting and crying out to God on his behalf. It was one of the most stressful experiences of my life, and I know how you must feel right now. My family spent a month trapped in a nightmare we never imagined we'd see. And this was for ungodly living that occured back in 1998. He had since been married and saved and was serving in church when the laws caught up with him while trying to get his passport stamped at immigration.

But God was merciful!!! I thank God that HE doesn't judge us by our works or godly living to show mercy, because if that were the case, we would all perish! The bible says ALL have sinned and fallen short of HIS GLORY. Not some, not most, but ALL OF US! And might I remind you, some of GOD's mightiest men have come from difficult pasts. Look at Paul? Need I say more??? God can and will use anyone He chooses, and sometimes it's not the ones that are living holy. PRAISE HIM!!

Tell your son to be in prayer right where he is. Remind him of Joseph, who spent time in jail, yet didn't lose his faith. God sets His people apart sometimes to speak and direct them in the things He wants for them to do. Let's pray that your son be sensitive to the voice of God at this time. And please tell him, no matter what he sees happening around him, no matter how dire the situation may get, God is able to see him through it all.

Much love and (((hugs))) to you and your son, and may God bless you and keep you during this difficult time. :rosebud:

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I also know how God can come in and turn a situation around for good. It will be five years in June that I was arrested, and had to ge a court appointed lawyer. I never had to appear before a judge. My charges were dropped. It took a lot of prayer and faith. I will pray with you. God can and will make a way.