Prayer as kids return to school...


Well-Known Member
Here is a daily prayer for children of all ages as they return to school, college, etc.:

Father God, I worship and reverence You. You are Lord! I declare that this is a day that you have made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Nothing can hinder my joy today because Your joy is my strength. I am your child and You are my God. I dedicate my day to You. As I participate in my daily activities, I thank You ahead of time for providing all my needs and protecting me from all danger. I put on the whole armor of God and plead the blood of Jesus over my day. My mind is buckled down with the helmet of salvation and being renewed every day. I am in tune with Your Holy Spirit and I will make godly decisions today. I will not be influenced by peer pressure, the pressure of my flesh or the pressures of this world. I am a child of the King, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Every plan and trap of the enemy against me is bound and blocked. I am under an open heaven and I bind every accident and incident that would rise up to interrupt the flow of the destiny of God for my life. The favor of God is strong on my life. Every vehicle, plane or any other mode of transportation that I take is covered by the Blood of Jesus. No freak accidents, incidents, arrows by day or terrors by night can affect me as I participate in my school, work and sports activities. Lord, I thank you ahead of time for delivering me from robberies, car-jacking, terrorist attacks, kidnappings, sexual predators, sabotages, set ups, demonic pranks, school fights, gang initiations, natural disasters and anything the devil may plan for my day. My day is established in You. I am your child and the path for my day has been made safe and prosperous. My Destiny Angel has gone before me. Guardian angels will surround me throughout the day. They will escort me from the morning until I am safely in my bed tonight. As I close my eyes, I will have divine rest and sweet sleep with no interference from nightmares, witchcraft and demonic activity. Thank You Jesus...Amen.
By: Kimberly Daniels
Thanks for that! I was just thinking this morning, I've got to send some prayers up as my babies return back to school because although they are in this world, they are not of this world.

Here is a daily prayer for children of all ages as they return to school, college, etc.:

Father God, I worship and reverence You. You are Lord! I declare that this is a day that you have made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. Nothing can hinder my joy today because Your joy is my strength. I am your child and You are my God. I dedicate my day to You. As I participate in my daily activities, I thank You ahead of time for providing all my needs and protecting me from all danger. I put on the whole armor of God and plead the blood of Jesus over my day. My mind is buckled down with the helmet of salvation and being renewed every day. I am in tune with Your Holy Spirit and I will make godly decisions today. I will not be influenced by peer pressure, the pressure of my flesh or the pressures of this world. I am a child of the King, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Every plan and trap of the enemy against me is bound and blocked. I am under an open heaven and I bind every accident and incident that would rise up to interrupt the flow of the destiny of God for my life. The favor of God is strong on my life. Every vehicle, plane or any other mode of transportation that I take is covered by the Blood of Jesus. No freak accidents, incidents, arrows by day or terrors by night can affect me as I participate in my school, work and sports activities. Lord, I thank you ahead of time for delivering me from robberies, car-jacking, terrorist attacks, kidnappings, sexual predators, sabotages, set ups, demonic pranks, school fights, gang initiations, natural disasters and anything the devil may plan for my day. My day is established in You. I am your child and the path for my day has been made safe and prosperous. My Destiny Angel has gone before me. Guardian angels will surround me throughout the day. They will escort me from the morning until I am safely in my bed tonight. As I close my eyes, I will have divine rest and sweet sleep with no interference from nightmares, witchcraft and demonic activity. Thank You Jesus...Amen.
By: Kimberly Daniels

Baruch Ha ba Shem
If any of you are volunteering at the schools while registration is taking place be sure to pray for the kids as your come in contact with them.

I volunteer for registering every year and I quietly and/or silently pray over every child that comes through that door. For some it may be the only time someone actually petitions to God for them.

Also I go for the teachers and everyone else on the school grounds. :yep:

Beautiful prayer OP
Amen don't have any children but I live between 3 of them so I pray as I drive past in the morning. My siblings are all starting grad school next week so I'm including them in this prayer.