Prayer answered!


Well-Known Member
For the past 10 years, I have emailed out every Monday what I call "Words of Encouragement & Prayer List". Today I sent out this Praise Report:

My brother James was laid off from his job a couple of weeks ago. He and his wife came to our church yesterday and had Rev Clark pray for them. This morning, he had an interview and was offered the job. He also received a call from a previous employer asking him to come in and fill out an application. Our God is so good. Obedience to God is key in getting your prayers answered!!

In His Service,

If anyone is interested in being added to the distribution list you can email me @ afg102471@hotmail. The Words are sent every Monday morning and it's sent BBC (Blind Carbon Copy) so that your email is not shown. God bless!
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For the past 10 years, I have emailed out every Monday what I call "Words of Encouragement & Prayer List". Today I sent out this Praise Report:

My brother James was laid off from his job a couple of weeks ago. He and his wife came to our church yesterday and had Rev Clark pray for them. This morning, he had an interview and was offered the job. He also received a call from a previous employer asking him to come in and fill out an application. Our God is so good. Obedience to God is key in getting your prayers answered!!

In His Service,

Praise God! That is a awesome praise report:worship2:I love hearing good news.:grin:
I couldn't agree with you more! Wonderful praise report! God is good.... :yep:

For the past 10 years, I have emailed out every Monday what I call "Words of Encouragement & Prayer List". Today I sent out this Praise Report:

My brother James was laid off from his job a couple of weeks ago. He and his wife came to our church yesterday and had Rev Clark pray for them. This morning, he had an interview and was offered the job. He also received a call from a previous employer asking him to come in and fill out an application. Our God is so good. Obedience to God is key in getting your prayers answered!!

In His Service,
For the past 10 years, I have emailed out every Monday what I call "Words of Encouragement & Prayer List". Today I sent out this Praise Report:

My brother James was laid off from his job a couple of weeks ago. He and his wife came to our church yesterday and had Rev Clark pray for them. This morning, he had an interview and was offered the job. He also received a call from a previous employer asking him to come in and fill out an application. Our God is so good. Obedience to God is key in getting your prayers answered!!

In His Service,

If anyone is interested in being added to the distribution list you can email me @ afg102471@hotmail. The Words are sent every Monday morning and it's sent BBC (Blind Carbon Copy) so that your email is not shown. God bless!

That's a beautiful work you are doing. More than service, it's coming from your heart. :giveheart: