Pray for my family and our health


Well-Known Member
It seems that the devil is on my family's back. We are going several milestones next week that could negatively affect several members of my family negatively. My sister is a single mother who is trying to get her teaching license. Her exam is Monday and she is overcome with fear that if she fails it she will not be able to provide for her and her baby. She also lives in fear that her soon to be ex-husband will snatch her daughter. My Dad has had kidney disease for years now and the doctor told him Friday that it looks like his kidneys may be shutting down. He will get his test results back sometime next week. My mom is due to go Thursday for a ultrasound mamagram because they have found two lumps in her underarm. And as a posted in the off topic forum, Tuesday I am going to a Rheumatologist to see if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you guys could just send up a prayer, it mean alot.
dicapr said:
It seems that the devil is on my family's back. We are going several milestones next week that could negatively affect several members of my family negatively. My sister is a single mother who is trying to get her teaching license. Her exam is Monday and she is overcome with fear that if she fails it she will not be able to provide for her and her baby. She also lives in fear that her soon to be ex-husband will snatch her daughter. My Dad has had kidney disease for years now and the doctor told him Friday that it looks like his kidneys may be shutting down. He will get his test results back sometime next week. My mom is due to go Thursday for a ultrasound mamagram because they have found two lumps in her underarm. And as a posted in the off topic forum, Tuesday I am going to a Rheumatologist to see if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. If you guys could just send up a prayer, it mean alot.

Along with the prayers, you have our love and faithful standing with you and your family. Expect to see favorable changes in every situation you have named, and also in all that you have not named. For God is there in the very midst of each of you. Be still and know that He is God in all of this and more.

God bless you and no need to worry any further. Your prayers have been answered. Bless your home and bodies with the word of the Lord..."Heal Us O' God and we Shall All Be Healed." For this we thank you, Lord, Amen.