Pray for me


Well-Known Member
I don't know what's wrong with me. I've had a heavy heart all week. I didn't do well on a test I had Monday night, my little girl has been sick, I've been feeling overwhelmed at work and like I'm not doing a good job. I feel like my job is in jeopardy even though, logically speaking, there is no reason it would be or should be. My stepdaughter is going through (hates living with us) and sometimes her spirit overwhelms me. I don't really know how to explain it. I just feel this heavy weight on me. I feel like I'm going to break down and cry, but I won't let myself. I've been having dreams. Nothing scary or bad, I just know that God is trying to tell me something.
It will be OK. I have lifted you and your situaiton up and prayer. I know it is tough. Get some gosple music that you like and just play it so that your spirit can absorb it. Find something that speaks to you, like... Let Go by DeWayne Woods. He Still in Control - Kirk Franklin, Stand - Donnie Mcklurkin.

Father God, touch her life in the name of Jesus. Everything that is wrong make it right. Lord if you choose to keep her in the situation, give the the strength to endure. We know that the race isnot given to the swift but to those who endure to the end. Lord if you are trying to tell her something, please allow it to be revealed in Jesus' Name.

We love you Lord and we thank you.

I'm lifting your name up in prayer as well. Sometimes with all the multi-tasking we women do, it is easy to become overwhelmed. Seems like a lot is on your shoulders - take a deep breathe and let God do the rest:rosebud:
Mrselle, you are loved....:kiss: So much so, that God has embraced you with His assurance that He is taking you high and far above every challenge that has occurred in your life. And these current challenges are nothing in comparison to the love that surrounds you, inside and out.

It surrounds your family, your husband, your 'daughter'. Let's take away the prefix 'step' from daughter and from mother. For the word 'step' means to climb, to struggle to reach one another.

You are mother and daughter in heart, body and soul, each sharing the same blood...the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

In Ephesians 2, the word says, '"you have been brought nigh unto one another by the Blood of the longer alienated; the wall of annomosity has been torn down".

His Blood has removed the 'steps' from between you. No longer 'climbing' to reach one another; no longer angry, no longer alienated; no longer separate, but one.

Mrselle, you have such a rich heart full of love; you give so much of yourself to your family, and only love and peace can come back to you.

And this is my prayer and we have God's word to 'seal' it once and for all. The two of you, mother and daughter, shall be made one. :love2:

God bless you Darlin'....:grouphug2:
If you never believe anything else on this board I am going to tell you the biggest secret in life believe me when I tell you this, and I am not telling you what I heard I am telling you what I know.


Put on the garment of praise.
God inhabits the praises of his people!

Praise is where the breakthrough is at.

For He would say come unto me (Mrselle) all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give thee rest. Lord I pray that you will give her a peace and a rest. Amen

Play music in your house it gets rid of distressing spirits.
Make up a positive song and sing unto the LORD, while cleaning, cooking and doing chores.

I know what I'm talking about I been there. Praise is where it's at.
I'm praying as well! Sometimes we go through these storms, but God always brings us through! Just praise him like gn1g said and God will bring everything together, just have faith..and don't let go of that faith.
If you never believe anything else on this board I am going to tell you the biggest secret in life believe me when I tell you this, and I am not telling you what I heard I am telling you what I know.


Put on the garment of praise.
God inhabits the praises of his people!

Praise is where the breakthrough is at.

For He would say come unto me (Mrselle) all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give thee rest. Lord I pray that you will give her a peace and a rest. Amen

Play music in your house it gets rid of distressing spirits.
Make up a positive song and sing unto the LORD, while cleaning, cooking and doing chores.

I know what I'm talking about I been there. Praise is where it's at.

Thank you for this gn1g. This is confirmation for me. Thank you.
Mrselle, you are loved....:kiss: So much so, that God has embraced you with His assurance that He is taking you high and far above every challenge that has occurred in your life. And these current challenges are nothing in comparison to the love that surrounds you, inside and out.

It surrounds your family, your husband, your 'daughter'. Let's take away the prefix 'step' from daughter and from mother. For the word 'step' means to climb, to struggle to reach one another.

You are mother and daughter in heart, body and soul, each sharing the same blood...the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus.

In Ephesians 2, the word says, '"you have been brought nigh unto one another by the Blood of the longer alienated; the wall of annomosity has been torn down".

His Blood has removed the 'steps' from between you. No longer 'climbing' to reach one another; no longer angry, no longer alienated; no longer separate, but one.

Mrselle, you have such a rich heart full of love; you give so much of yourself to your family, and only love and peace can come back to you.

And this is my prayer and we have God's word to 'seal' it once and for all. The two of you, mother and daughter, shall be made one. :love2:

God bless you Darlin'....:grouphug2:

Dear Shimmie, how is that your post can cause me to tear up? Once again, you have allowed God to use you to speak to my heart. Thank you. I'll be private messaging you soon.
Dear Shimmie, how is that your post can cause me to tear up? Once again, you have allowed God to use you to speak to my heart. Thank you. I'll be private messaging you soon.
God bless you, pretty lady...:kiss:

God has ordained 'peace' for you. His peace, and the peace that He has given you, the 'world' can't take it away. It's yours to have and to hold for always...:yep: :love3: