Pray for me (my vent)


New Member
The Purpose driven Life: I really love this book but I already feel like a failure lol. Day one I already don't agree

I constantly ask questions unanswered. Maybe that's the problem. For example, if God makes everyone intentionally with a purpose, why are some people's purpose and lives more grim than others. Example. Why should a little 5 year old girl, as pure as can be, be born with life-threatening disease. What exactly is her purpose? And why can't her purpose be like her healthy playmates? Why must some suffer, while others are quite wealthy and happy?

If there is a God and he knows the outcome of all of our actions, why does he let some things happen to some? What have they done deserving of these occurences in life?

You know something that really upset me was that my bff told me I should start researching other religions. (She's a devout Christian) She says that I don't appear to be very Christian like and I believe in a lot of things that contradict God (I question God at times, I believe in abortion, gay marriage, etc.) She told me that maybe my faith wasn't as strong as hers because I havent' been through what she was been through to know and understand that God was real. That really hurt me considering I consider myself a Christian and I truly do believe, but I'm not as close to him as I wish to be. I went off and told her that if she was such a Christian she wouldn't judge me as she did, and would not try to "kick me out" of my own religion as she did. I felt as a friend she should help me in my journey get closer to God when I was ready, not assume and judge my ways.

But occasionally it makes me think. Am I truly a Christian? Just to be honest, I never read my Bible. I know a few scriptures here and there because I'm the granddaughter of a pastor, but I don't make an effort to engage in studying my Bible. When I do make an effort such as now, it puts me to sleep. And I religously go to church every Sunday, but I don't feel as if I take anything from it. I'm not involved in any church, because honestly church is a bore to me. I sing in the choir, but don't really like to. It's like "a show" to me. I don't even like attending church. I've had some churches that really enthusized me, but honestly I don't learn anything from the sermons, and if I do it's just for a little while. Church to me: It's full of people trying to tell others what to do when they sin themselves.

But then again I really want to be closer to God. I feel like the time is now for me to engage myself in the word, and become a firm believer. I have taken actions towards this. I have changed many of my ways, and starting living my life in a new light. But then again...I still wonder am I a Christian and will I ever have the faith needed?:perplexed
I'm going to try to make this short and brief. I'm sure others will come along and advise as well.

Everything you just said, take it to the Lord in prayer and allow him to lead you, sounds to me like you are trying to control your spiritual life.:yep:

As for the unfortunate things that occur in life. Our lives are purposed, one thing that can sometime be forgotten and that is when we accept Jesus as our Lord and saviour it becomes about him and what he can do we have to take ourselves out of the equation. Trials come to make us strong for his purpose and use of us. Until we learn to let go and let God he can never use us as he pleases. We need to submit. Think about it when you go through difficult situations in life what's the first thing you do...PRAY. Why? For Gos's help, direction and comfort. This brings us closer to God it also offers us an opportunity to get to know him.

There is therefore no condemation to them which are in Christ Jesus, no one here will condemn you. Really give your life to Christ, by this I mean let him rule follow him and try not to give in to your wisdom as much depend on his.

Peace and Love.
Sometimes we can't help but see the world through our own emotionally charged views. But God is not us, and we are not God. There is nothing that occurs without God's knowing. The Bible never promised a perfect world, not even as Christians, children or otherwise. We live in a world filled with people who are born in sin (we ALL were) and the world's problem are a direct consequence of that.

It almost seems that you are fighting yourself, not God, with all the questions, beliefs, and such. As Shalom mentioned take this to the Lord in prayer. If you truly open your heart to God, He will guide you. God will never condemn you or look down on you, even if other Christians were to. Don't be afraid to express your feelings to Him. As you pray to the Father, Jesus is interceding for you, and the Holy Sprit is your guide and comforter.

As for your friend, she probably spoke out of anger/misunderstanding. Please do not let this deter you. I will pray for you! ((((HUGS))))