Pray for Me,I Need a Serious Prayer Intervention


Active Member
Ladies,throughout my life I've always tried to stay positive and keep my head up.Lately,I'm tired and very angry of how things are and have been in my life.I'm loosing my faith,I dont want to pray.I'm a good person and I feel like I'm being punished,and for what?I know its not about comparing yourself to others,but knowing people who are undeserving of the things they take for granted has really been getting to me lately.Every time I try to take a step forward I have 20 obstacles in my way and I'm just tired.Everything in my life is so extreme and I never asked for it or put myself out there for it.I can write like a book series dealing w/ my different situations.I cant see,but maybe he gave one of you something to share w/ me that will give me hope and perserverance I need to keep this moving,I need a reason for all of this suffering seriously.If I can see a point in it,or understand why certain things took place it would help a lot.I'm just tired of being positive in all the worse case scenarios that is apparently my life.

This has been going on since childhood I dont know what peace is ever since I can remember, from the hand I was dealt in family really...Throughout it all I have always done the world for any one who needed it when I had it.(Money,advice,love,jobs,etc)I do love and take care of myself,I just cant catch a break though
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My pastor has been doing a series lately on a similar subject.

In a nutshell, he said that sometimes God uses us to help deliver someone else, sometimes God takes us through the fire so our faith in him can grow, sometimes God takes us through things so we can learn about ourselves and our strengths, and sometimes he takes us through things so we can overcome the hurdles.

He even said that it is ok to be angry with God (shocking, i know :look:), God wants us to go to him with our anger and let him know. Its ok to express you humaness with God. Releasing your anger with God, opens your heart for healing and gives him a means to process with you what is going on with your life.

But in every case, we should continue to give God the praise because he never fails. Even though he may not always give us what we want, we always have what we need for today, that is worthy of praise.

i hope that makes sense, you are in my thoughts,
I know just how you feel

just take it one step at a time, so many things arent understood until its time, I will pray for you, you will get through this, believe me I understand everything your feeling and saying

In a nutshell, he said that sometimes God uses us to help deliver someone else, sometimes God takes us through the fire so our faith in him can grow, sometimes God takes us through things so we can learn about ourselves and our strengths, and sometimes he takes us through things so we can overcome the hurdles.

He even said that it is ok to be angry with God (shocking, i know :look:), God wants us to go to him with our anger and let him know. ,

Why is it that some of us cannot seem to catch a break? You mean G-d puts the hurdles there for me to be able to overcome? Well, that's nice, G-d. Angry with G-d? I AM Jacob becoming Israel. LOL. The last time I was angry with G-d, I screamed to heaven that I hated Him. Yup. Sure did. I don't truly hate Him, I just hate His judgements at times. Sometimes, just sometimes, and I know I'm not alone feeling this, but I think that our relationship to G-d is co-dependant. I know how Amari feels...not that you don't or anything. But you obviously have some answers. Lucky you that your pastor is doing this study. In these times, I think we need it.
Hi, I am reading your posts and everything you said has mimicked a period I went through a few years ago. It's ironic because I keep a journal to see how I am developing as a person and how God is moving in my life as I develop, and just a few days ago I was reading about a period I was going through exactly like yours. To make a long story short, I know it is very hard to know that you are selfless in supporting and trying to be there for others, always trying to look on the bright side of everything, only to feel as though you are overlooked when it comes to your needs and support. But if you have been doing this all your life, I want you to know that you won't change who you are inspite of your trials, it's just who you are to not overlook others or to pursue the good in life inspite of. You say your losing faith, but you reaching out the LHCF with this post still show to me that you believe in the scripture" seek and ye shall find" because you have the faith that things will work out some way or the other. Some of us go through tough times more than others, not necessarily because we have done bad things because we are not saved by our works, but by the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. But we go through trying situations more so, that we are able to recognize and help others in need that may come into our path. But I guess I know what you are saying now is "well what about me?" And you're absolutely right to question that, but the truth is God sees, hears and knows everything and I agree with what with what Daydream 2876 says you must voice how you are feeling to God. You say, you don't want to pray, then talk because remember prayer is also a conversation with God. So walk and talk with him, ask him to help you understand what he is trying to show you, and what do all these sacrifices and obstacles you come across mean. Everyone's calling in life is different and He wants to hear from you, he is your Father and wants to hear from you as a child of his. Just as any parent/child relationship here on earth. He will guide and strengthen you and give you just what you need to get to the next level, and then help you again for the level after that. You say you are losing faith, but sometimes we are broken down, only to be rebuilt and renewed again. I promise you that he will see you through, he has thus so far already, so why not again!. I admire you for being honest about what you are going through because it was hard for me at the time to admit to others that I was questioning God's movement in my life.I just felt doomed in comparison to others. Even as a baptized believer I felt this way, but some say well not me I always have faith, but the truth is that it happens to some of us because situations can make you question what God is doing.But never question his ability and love for you because that surpasses everything. It was when I gave up and just REST was when my intimacy with him became more stronger. And you know Amari as I read ahead a few years later and see how much God has seen me through and helped me out of many periods, I can honestly say he has heard my cries and answered my prayers, His word is His word. Yes there are some unaswered prayers, but the fact that he has has answered and seen me through on so many other prayers is enough for me to know he is there and is actively working in my life. I just need to keep not leaning on my own understanding but on his. He has a purpose for your life, and because we can easily forget all the times he has seen us through, I can honestly say keeing a personal journal has given me hope in knowing that God is working in my life, just as the bible is a testament and journal of how God has worked in the lives of others during good and bad. My prayer is that this testimony of mine helps you today and I will keep you in my prayers. Also please continue to keep others in your prayers regardless of what your going through because we all need each other. God Bless!!!!
Many of us are/has been where you are. I can honestly say that I am right here in the moment with you. I started a gratitude journal. This has helped tremendously!
Hi, I am reading your posts and everything you said has mimicked a period I went through a few years ago. It's ironic because I keep a journal to see how I am developing as a person and how God is moving in my life as I develop, and just a few days ago I was reading about a period I was going through exactly like yours. To make a long story short, I know it is very hard to know that you are selfless in supporting and trying to be there for others, always trying to look on the bright side of everything, only to feel as though you are overlooked when it comes to your needs and support. But if you have been doing this all your life, I want you to know that you won't change who you are inspite of your trials, it's just who you are to not overlook others or to pursue the good in life inspite of. You say your losing faith, but you reaching out the LHCF with this post still show to me that you believe in the scripture" seek and ye shall find" because you have the faith that things will work out some way or the other. Some of us go through tough times more than others, not necessarily because we have done bad things because we are not saved by our works, but by the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. But we go through trying situations more so, that we are able to recognize and help others in need that may come into our path. But I guess I know what you are saying now is "well what about me?" And you're absolutely right to question that, but the truth is God sees, hears and knows everything and I agree with what with what Daydream 2876 says you must voice how you are feeling to God. You say, you don't want to pray, then talk because remember prayer is also a conversation with God. So walk and talk with him, ask him to help you understand what he is trying to show you, and what do all these sacrifices and obstacles you come across mean. Everyone's calling in life is different and He wants to hear from you, he is your Father and wants to hear from you as a child of his. Just as any parent/child relationship here on earth. He will guide and strengthen you and give you just what you need to get to the next level, and then help you again for the level after that. You say you are losing faith, but sometimes we are broken down, only to be rebuilt and renewed again. I promise you that he will see you through, he has thus so far already, so why not again!. I admire you for being honest about what you are going through because it was hard for me at the time to admit to others that I was questioning God's movement in my life.I just felt doomed in comparison to others. Even as a baptized believer I felt this way, but some say well not me I always have faith, but the truth is that it happens to some of us because situations can make you question what God is doing.But never question his ability and love for you because that surpasses everything. It was when I gave up and just REST was when my intimacy with him became more stronger. And you know Amari as I read ahead a few years later and see how much God has seen me through and helped me out of many periods, I can honestly say he has heard my cries and answered my prayers, His word is His word. Yes there are some unaswered prayers, but the fact that he has has answered and seen me through on so many other prayers is enough for me to know he is there and is actively working in my life. I just need to keep not leaning on my own understanding but on his. He has a purpose for your life, and because we can easily forget all the times he has seen us through, I can honestly say keeing a personal journal has given me hope in knowing that God is working in my life, just as the bible is a testament and journal of how God has worked in the lives of others during good and bad. My prayer is that this testimony of mine helps you today and I will keep you in my prayers. Also please continue to keep others in your prayers regardless of what your going through because we all need each other. God Bless!!!!

Thank you,and I understand all you have said.You know,I never kept a journal but I always remembered how he brought me through.At the same time,he brings me through and bam,here goes the next storm right after.Never any peace...Sometimes I get tired and just want to drop everything,go away just to recharge my batteries then come back!I just have a hard time even believing that this is what he meant for me in life I mean come on,as soon as I step out and try to do anything for myself its worse.My life makes me consider generational curses are real at times.(Only when I get frustrated)I never truly give up on anything or anyone w/o a fight because like I've stated b4 I believe theres good in people and hope in hopeless situations.This thing w/ me and God right now though,I'm very close to giving up this is my last attempt to get some answers.I feel there are people out there who feel this and is further along in their journey and can truly help.Thats why I titled this Intervention I need prayer in numbers I want everyone I can get to pray I find meaning because if I dont I'm about to become a very selfish person until I get to where I want to be.Never once have I questioned God,all these years kept doing what was right around all of this.Now its just time I need validation that all of my sacrifice is for something.
My pastor has been doing a series lately on a similar subject.

In a nutshell, he said that sometimes God uses us to help deliver someone else, sometimes God takes us through the fire so our faith in him can grow, sometimes God takes us through things so we can learn about ourselves and our strengths, and sometimes he takes us through things so we can overcome the hurdles.

He even said that it is ok to be angry with God (shocking, i know :look:), God wants us to go to him with our anger and let him know. Its ok to express you humaness with God. Releasing your anger with God, opens your heart for healing and gives him a means to process with you what is going on with your life.

But in every case, we should continue to give God the praise because he never fails. Even though he may not always give us what we want, we always have what we need for today, that is worthy of praise.

i hope that makes sense, you are in my thoughts,

It completely came to mind as soon as you mentioned your pastor.I need some time by myself w/ me and God.My schedule is busy,but I think some fasting and prayer w/ meditation can give me what I'm seeking.
You are in my prayers you will be blessed to bless and help someone else =)

Honestly though,thats all I want to do.It's one of the main things that kept me going all these years.It hurt so much not being able to find someone to understand it all,going through it by myself.I dont want others to feel that way,if I ever came into real money I would put it to work.You in a abusive relationship,and serious about getting out?I would set them up for success,relocation,school,work.When I had my own I already did things like this.You serious about college,I'll send you.You know I found it sad b4 Bill Gates retired(maybe he still does it) he put 10 million dollors to the negro college fund on a regular basis.Where are our people,while its great that he had it in his heart and especially to give...Can you name lots of blacks who made it and gave back,even partially?I've seen more of other races do this...I want to be that one to use my experiences to make a difference in the lives of others since no one helped me ever.I really want to be in a position to make some major moves b4 I leave this world,there arent many like me to just keep it moving and stay on this path of positivity.They could have been great if they got that helping hand or just an understanding ear
Why is it that some of us cannot seem to catch a break? You mean G-d puts the hurdles there for me to be able to overcome? Well, that's nice, G-d. Angry with G-d? I AM Jacob becoming Israel. LOL. The last time I was angry with G-d, I screamed to heaven that I hated Him. Yup. Sure did. I don't truly hate Him, I just hate His judgements at times. Sometimes, just sometimes, and I know I'm not alone feeling this, but I think that our relationship to G-d is co-dependant. I know how Amari feels...not that you don't or anything. But you obviously have some answers. Lucky you that your pastor is doing this study. In these times, I think we need it.

One of the main things that gave me confirmation,but w/o explanation lol was Joel Osteen.I dont care what anyone says that man is touched by God.Everytime I'm really down and needed to hear something I heard it from him.His delivery is awesome too,keeps me interested.
One of the main things that gave me confirmation,but w/o explanation lol was Joel Osteen.I dont care what anyone says that man is touched by God.Everytime I'm really down and needed to hear something I heard it from him.His delivery is awesome too,keeps me interested.

LOL. I saw him last weekend and his message was about life. Some folks need to feel that unless someone is giving altar calls and whatnot, they aren't truly pastors. His msg. was simple and direct. He's a great motivational speaker. Thank you. I've got one of his books I bought as a gift for my realtor then I heard that protestants didn't consider him a true pastor (some kind of scandal etc.) anymore so I kept it. Going to go pick it up. Thanks Amari. Your post was needed today. In a special way, you have blessed a whole lot of people, esp. lurkers. :yep:
I will certainly pray for you, Amari. I believe that God has an assignment for you-something that He needs for you to accomplish and perhaps He is hoping that after you have tried everything else, that you will tune out other distractions, seek Him, and ask Him what He wants. I know for myself personally that God uses hardship or obstacles to get my attention, especially when I am starting to get lazy and complacent in bible study, worship, and prayer.

Find scriptures regarding peace of mind, breaking of strongholds, and victory and speak them on a daily basis. We have a thread of gratitude which is now a sticky and also a thread about speaking victory in your life. You can find some helpful scriptures in both locations. Say them outloud-especially when thoughts of fear and doubt rise up in your mind.
I will certainly pray for you, Amari. I believe that God has an assignment for you-something that He needs for you to accomplish and perhaps He is hoping that after you have tried everything else, that you will tune out other distractions, seek Him, and ask Him what He wants. I know for myself personally that God uses hardship or obstacles to get my attention, especially when I am starting to get lazy and complacent in bible study, worship, and prayer.

Find scriptures regarding peace of mind, breaking of strongholds, and victory and speak them on a daily basis. We have a thread of gratitude which is now a sticky and also a thread about speaking victory in your life. You can find some helpful scriptures in both locations. Say them outloud-especially when thoughts of fear and doubt rise up in your mind.

Thanks everyone I do feel better.All of your suggestions are things I have not been doing because I have been so angry.You know its funny because people who tried to tell me what to do,I would always tell them things like...How are you even trying to say that have you even been through this?I always wanted to hear from someone who had been through it,it would have been a plus if the situation was more complicated or similar to mine.Dont be all shocked,these people were doing wrong and not of God when they tried to talk to me about something I never sought their advice for,so I felt they had no right and the advice was never good.You always have more respect and listen to one that has been through what youre trying to accomplish/overcome.Maybe thats what this is,I'm putting in my work huh?Lord knows I'll put it to use.
Hi Amari. You have a determined spirit because you want to know and understand God through all things and that's a great thing. He will definitely show you all your sacrifices are for something, of which I'm sure he has showed you some already. Don't give up, Cherokee has a great post titled It's me again that you can read about also from last night 9:30pm. Check it out, it's what we all as Christians do if we haven't been doing it already. From the responses you have received thus far from the ladies is a sign to me, that God is moving in us to want to reach out and help give you a word. He's already starting to work in your favor, because alot of us could just read this post and keep it moving. Stay thankful and also a prayer and fast is a good idea since your life has been busy to make you spend time with Him. Trusts me, he knows how to get our attention.
I think you are right, Amari. I have posted it before, but I remember going through a period of close to a year where I just went through the motions of praying because I was convinced that God didn't really love me because of what He was putting me through. I figured why pray if everything I am asking for is answered with a "no"? It wasn't until later that I realized that God was saying "no" to me because my experience was the "yes" to somebody else's prayer. At that point, I just broke down and cried uncontrollably (and I am NOT an emotional person) because I realized that I wasn't under attack, that I wasn't cursed, and that I wasn't unloved but that He knew that I was stronger than I thought I was and that somebody else would need to hear my story.

I think you're gonna be just fine, Amari! :yep:
Hi Amari. You have a determined spirit because you want to know and understand God through all things and that's a great thing. He will definitely show you all your sacrifices are for something, of which I'm sure he has showed you some already. Don't give up, Cherokee has a great post titled It's me again that you can read about also from last night 9:30pm. Check it out, it's what we all as Christians do if we haven't been doing it already. From the responses you have received thus far from the ladies is a sign to me, that God is moving in us to want to reach out and help give you a word. He's already starting to work in your favor, because alot of us could just read this post and keep it moving. Stay thankful and also a prayer and fast is a good idea since your life has been busy to make you spend time with Him. Trusts me, he knows how to get our attention.

I'm really thankful for you all who prayed,even if you didnt post because I know I do that sometimes you just dont know what to say.I have not prayed since I posted this thread but I feel peace,so I know God heard you all.I havent felt this inner peace in a while.I will use it to get back on track.This is the peace I always feel when I know God has moved and heard prayer.
Wow check this out,I havent been checking my email that I get Joel Osteens Daily Word on,and this was todays message.Isnt this something w/ confirmations like this how can anyone not believe their is a God?Always on time...

Hidden Treasures

Today's Scripture
"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness—secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name" (Isaiah 45:3, NLT).

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria
Did you know there are treasures hidden on the inside of you? There are gifts, talents, and abilities inside of you that you don’t even know about. Oftentimes, it´s during seasons of difficulty or darkness that those hidden treasures are revealed to us. When we go through times of adversity, strength arises, new abilities arise, new talents. We are "reinvented" so to speak.

I think about when my father went on to be with the Lord. It was a dark hour for me, but out of that difficulty the Lord revealed hidden treasures on the inside of me that I didn´t even know about. Look at David in the Bible. Before Goliath, he was known as a shepherd boy. But after he conquered Goliath, after he went through that adversity, he was known as a mighty warrior, and eventually, a mighty king.

If you are going through a difficulty today, if you lost your job or a loved one, remember, God still has a purpose for you. He´ll take what the enemy meant for evil, and He’ll turn it around for your good. Keep standing, keep believing, keep hoping because He´s ready to reveal those hidden treasures on the inside of you!

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, I come before You with an open and humble heart. Let Your Word sink deep into my Spirit. I trust You and look for the hidden treasures You have deposited on the inside of me. In Jesus´Name. Amen.
Already your day has turned around when you least expect it from your post last night. You're a survivor:grin: and remember that. May God continue to bless you and I know your post have helped someone today as well. God Bless!!!
Thank you,and I understand all you have said.You know,I never kept a journal but I always remembered how he brought me through.At the same time,he brings me through and bam,here goes the next storm right after.Never any peace...Sometimes I get tired and just want to drop everything,go away just to recharge my batteries then come back!I just have a hard time even believing that this is what he meant for me in life I mean come on,as soon as I step out and try to do anything for myself its worse.My life makes me consider generational curses are real at times.(Only when I get frustrated)I never truly give up on anything or anyone w/o a fight because like I've stated b4 I believe theres good in people and hope in hopeless situations.This thing w/ me and God right now though,I'm very close to giving up this is my last attempt to get some answers.I feel there are people out there who feel this and is further along in their journey and can truly help.Thats why I titled this Intervention I need prayer in numbers I want everyone I can get to pray I find meaning because if I dont I'm about to become a very selfish person until I get to where I want to be.Never once have I questioned God,all these years kept doing what was right around all of this.Now its just time I need validation that all of my sacrifice is for something.

it seems that 'season' of one battle after another is going on for alot of us

and I understand just what your saying you need-he will give it to you, in his own way, he knows how to do what you need:yep:
Thanks everyone I do feel better.All of your suggestions are things I have not been doing because I have been so angry.You know its funny because people who tried to tell me what to do,I would always tell them things like...How are you even trying to say that have you even been through this?I always wanted to hear from someone who had been through it,it would have been a plus if the situation was more complicated or similar to mine.Dont be all shocked,these people were doing wrong and not of God when they tried to talk to me about something I never sought their advice for,so I felt they had no right and the advice was never good.You always have more respect and listen to one that has been through what youre trying to accomplish/overcome.Maybe thats what this is,I'm putting in my work huh?Lord knows I'll put it to use.
every single thing your saying I relate to soooo much! it seems when I am really going through nobody is there to minister to me like I can for others , then I get mad, and frustrated and feel that same feeling that since nobody has walked a mile in these shoes, they dont know, I worked on that attitude and relied more on God than people for the words and uplifting to see me through

the darkest hour before dawn, your almost always alone

but I would be one of those people that could tell you some things that would make you feel like I could relate, I betcha anything

as far as one hit after another kinda of thing :yep:
Honestly though,thats all I want to do.It's one of the main things that kept me going all these years.It hurt so much not being able to find someone to understand it all,going through it by myself.I dont want others to feel that way,if I ever came into real money I would put it to work.You in a abusive relationship,and serious about getting out?I would set them up for success,relocation,school,work.When I had my own I already did things like this.You serious about college,I'll send you.You know I found it sad b4 Bill Gates retired(maybe he still does it) he put 10 million dollors to the negro college fund on a regular basis.Where are our people,while its great that he had it in his heart and especially to give...Can you name lots of blacks who made it and gave back,even partially?I've seen more of other races do this...I want to be that one to use my experiences to make a difference in the lives of others since no one helped me ever.I really want to be in a position to make some major moves b4 I leave this world,there arent many like me to just keep it moving and stay on this path of positivity.They could have been great if they got that helping hand or just an understanding ear
I'm gonna need you to get blessed like this so I can look you up later :lachen::lachen: