Hi, I am reading your posts and everything you said has mimicked a period I went through a few years ago. It's ironic because I keep a journal to see how I am developing as a person and how God is moving in my life as I develop, and just a few days ago I was reading about a period I was going through exactly like yours. To make a long story short, I know it is very hard to know that you are selfless in supporting and trying to be there for others, always trying to look on the bright side of everything, only to feel as though you are overlooked when it comes to your needs and support. But if you have been doing this all your life, I want you to know that you won't change who you are inspite of your trials, it's just who you are to not overlook others or to pursue the good in life inspite of. You say your losing faith, but you reaching out the LHCF with this post still show to me that you believe in the scripture" seek and ye shall find" because you have the faith that things will work out some way or the other. Some of us go through tough times more than others, not necessarily because we have done bad things because we are not saved by our works, but by the grace of God through Jesus Christ our Lord. But we go through trying situations more so, that we are able to recognize and help others in need that may come into our path. But I guess I know what you are saying now is "well what about me?" And you're absolutely right to question that, but the truth is God sees, hears and knows everything and I agree with what with what Daydream 2876 says you must voice how you are feeling to God. You say, you don't want to pray, then talk because remember prayer is also a conversation with God. So walk and talk with him, ask him to help you understand what he is trying to show you, and what do all these sacrifices and obstacles you come across mean. Everyone's calling in life is different and He wants to hear from you, he is your Father and wants to hear from you as a child of his. Just as any parent/child relationship here on earth. He will guide and strengthen you and give you just what you need to get to the next level, and then help you again for the level after that. You say you are losing faith, but sometimes we are broken down, only to be rebuilt and renewed again. I promise you that he will see you through, he has thus so far already, so why not again!. I admire you for being honest about what you are going through because it was hard for me at the time to admit to others that I was questioning God's movement in my life.I just felt doomed in comparison to others. Even as a baptized believer I felt this way, but some say well not me I always have faith, but the truth is that it happens to some of us because situations can make you question what God is doing.But never question his ability and love for you because that surpasses everything. It was when I gave up and just REST was when my intimacy with him became more stronger. And you know Amari as I read ahead a few years later and see how much God has seen me through and helped me out of many periods, I can honestly say he has heard my cries and answered my prayers, His word is His word. Yes there are some unaswered prayers, but the fact that he has has answered and seen me through on so many other prayers is enough for me to know he is there and is actively working in my life. I just need to keep not leaning on my own understanding but on his. He has a purpose for your life, and because we can easily forget all the times he has seen us through, I can honestly say keeing a personal journal has given me hope in knowing that God is working in my life, just as the bible is a testament and journal of how God has worked in the lives of others during good and bad. My prayer is that this testimony of mine helps you today and I will keep you in my prayers. Also please continue to keep others in your prayers regardless of what your going through because we all need each other. God Bless!!!!