Pray for Justice


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies.

I met a woman who I soon discerned was in an abusive relationship. However, like many women I her situation she had not really gotten to the point where she has the wherewithal to leave him. They have a toddler so that doesn't help. Anyway, he did the usual where he isolated her by having his mom embarrass her so badly at her place of work that she quit her job. He controls all the money and she cannot drive. She lives in one of those places where you have to drive to do anything. She has no cellphone and basically she is alone.

So the other day they argued and he called the cops on her and told them that SHE was beating him. Luckily the cops called B.S. On that claim and told him to leave for the night. She broke down and told them all that was going on. They gave her social worker info and shelter info but she still did not leave. Now two weeks later, her husband disappeared with their baby and was AWOL. The cops finally tracked the baby down at a relative's farm. Yes, they are in the cuts. Only to find out that he had a restraining order against HER and she cannot see him or the baby. I told her to contact a lawyer and they have a hearing this week.

I am beyond angry but what can I do other than pray? I live in another state and so far I was unable to get her to follow most of my advice which I think would have avoided all of this. Anyway, please pray for justice. Obviously her husband and his family are sick people and they have been planning to take the kid away from her hence him calling the police earlier. That had made no sense to me until now. She has no job and so she is worried the courts will not give her the child.
Hi ladies.

I met a woman who I soon discerned was in an abusive relationship. However, like many women I her situation she had not really gotten to the point where she has the wherewithal to leave him. They have a toddler so that doesn't help. Anyway, he did the usual where he isolated her by having his mom embarrass her so badly at her place of work that she quit her job. He controls all the money and she cannot drive. She lives in one of those places where you have to drive to do anything. She has no cellphone and basically she is alone.

So the other day they argued and he called the cops on her and told them that SHE was beating him. Luckily the cops called B.S. On that claim and told him to leave for the night. She broke down and told them all that was going on. They gave her social worker info and shelter info but she still did not leave. Now two weeks later, her husband disappeared with their baby and was AWOL. The cops finally tracked the baby down at a relative's farm. Yes, they are in the cuts. Only to find out that he had a restraining order against HER and she cannot see him or the baby. I told her to contact a lawyer and they have a hearing this week.

I am beyond angry but what can I do other than pray? I live in another state and so far I was unable to get her to follow most of my advice which I think would have avoided all of this. Anyway, please pray for justice. Obviously her husband and his family are sick people and they have been planning to take the kid away from her hence him calling the police earlier. That had made no sense to me until now. She has no job and so she is worried the courts will not give her the child.

This just breaks my heart. Too often...far too often, many women in abusive situations are in denial and hope that it will all go away and that the husband will stop and become the 'prince charming' that he was before the abuse began.

Sadly, it had to come to this point for her to begin to 'fight' back, or to think of it at least. I am praying for her safety and her peace of mind. I hate family break-ups and yet for the saving Grace of God many are left with no other choice in order to stay alive or to have a sound mind.

Father in Jesus' Name, let your justice prevail. Your Name is Jehovah Mishpat, which means Justice and Righteousness and in this you shall prevail without interference or limits. Father that you Bless and protect this woman and child and push back the enemy out of her Destiny which you have ordained for them, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
This just breaks my heart. Too often...far too often, many women in abusive situations are in denial and hope that it will all go away and that the husband will stop and become the 'prince charming' that he was before the abuse began. Sadly, it had to come to this point for her to begin to 'fight' back, or to think of it at least. I am praying for her safety and her peace of mind. I hate family break-ups and yet for the saving Grace of God many are left with no other choice in order to stay alive or to have a sound mind. Father in Jesus' Name, let your justice prevail. Your Name is Jehovah Mishpat, which means Justice and Righteousness and in this you shall prevail without interference or limits. Father that you Bless and protect this woman and child and push back the enemy out of her Destiny which you have ordained for them, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

Right now I am focused on the idea of getting the baby back. If she succeeds, I am hoping this is the wake up call she needs to drive home how serious this is. He and his family had been doing/saying really disparaging things to her and now I think maybe he was trying to get her to leave but then realized she would take the kid, so he had to figure out how to keep the kid. Because usually abusers are content to have the woman stay and she showed no signs of leaving so it's odd that he brought the authorities into this. That is what makes me think maybe he wanted her to leave and not take the child.
The hearing was postponed. I call shenanigans! Dude has been planning this for MONTHS and apparently he has done his homework. He is prepared to take this child away and paint the mom like satan. I barely got any sleep.