Pray For Detroit And Our People


Well-Known Member
An evil and cynical assault has been unleashed against African Americans in this country. We are being slaughtered like animals. Even the most evil law breaker deserves to be brought to justice by way of a trial. We've seen other folk out-right guilty of horrible crimes, yet many were apprehended without incident. After slaughtering 9 Worshipers at Bible Class, Dylan Roof was taken to Burger King and given a meal!!!

So, if any will agree in prayer with me for our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver our People from this assault, I will be ever so grateful.

In The Name Of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost,

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An evil and cynical assault has been unleashed against African Americans in this country. We are being slaughtered like animals. Even the most evil law breaker deserves to be brought to justice by way of a trial. We've seen other folk out right guilty of horrible crimes, yet many were apprehended without incident. After slaughtering 9 Worshipers at Bible Class, Dylan Roof was taken to Burger King a given a meal!!!

So, if any will agree in prayer with me for our Lord Jesus Christ to deliver our People from this assault, I will be ever so grateful.

In The Name Of God The Father, God The Son, and God The Holy Ghost,

Dear @mensa....

I am away from my home and laptop so my access is limited. Can you share a little more as to how and when this occurred with dillon roof?

And please know that I agree in prayer with you and others.

Please forgive any and all typos from my mobile access.

Love to you and all. Shimmie
Dear @mensa....

I am away from my home and laptop so my access is limited. Can you share a little more as to how and when this occurred with dillon roof?

And please know that I agree in prayer with you and others.

Please forgive any and all typos from my mobile access.

Love to you and all. Shimmie

Hey Shimmie, thanks for agreeing in prayer for me for my City, which I love dearly.

As soon as I find it I'll send you the information.

Enjoy your 2 year old. I know that he "joyfully" is a handful! :-)
Hey Shimmie, thanks for agreeing in prayer for me for my City, which I love dearly.

As soon as I find it I'll send you the information.

Enjoy your 2 year old. I know that he "joyfully" is a handful! :)

***If you go to the web and type in police took Dylan Roof to Burger King, you'll find all types of news reporting on this. (I don't know how to post things from the Web).
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Thanks, @mensa . I'm typing via my iPhone. I'll look it up and share with others. My family will be praying for you, your loved ones and for Detroit with love.

Thanks for remembering my baby... He's a joy. God bless you. I'm still "here" with you on the forum for prayers and love for all.

We here and now dedicate Detroit unto the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing shall stand against the power of God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen
***If you go to the web and type in police took Dylan Roof to Burger King, you'll find all types of news reporting on this. (I don't know how to post things from the Web).
Praying. I'm so saddened to hear of more bloodshed and violence. And on top of that, just a few days ago they displayed and worshiped a Satanic statue in Detroit.
Praying. I'm so saddened to hear of more bloodshed and violence. And on top of that, just a few days ago they displayed and worshiped a Satanic statue in Detroit.
@Galadriel :wave:

I saw the thread in OT regarding the satanic statue. After reading both threads (here and there), I realized that God was 'UNVEILING' the spirit behind all of the violence in Detroit and now 'we' and other Intercessors in prayer, know what to pray against and see God move against it's force and evil powers.

As did 'dagon', so shall this spirit of evil fall and shall never rise again. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Thanks, @mensa . I'm typing via my iPhone. I'll look it up and share with others. My family will be praying for you, your loved ones and for Detroit with love.

Thanks for remembering my baby... He's a joy. God bless you. I'm still "here" with you on the forum for prayers and love for all.

We here and now dedicate Detroit unto the Lord Jesus Christ and nothing shall stand against the power of God, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen

I know that you're busy doing what ya gotta do, but don't you dare leaveeeeeeeeeee us! Thanks for the prayers.
Did something happen in Detroit recently?

Crime is out of control. In one instance, A group of about 6 young men separately robbed 2 couples. After they assaulted them, they raped the women AND FORCED THE MEN TO WATCH! They caught 2 of the assailants but 4 are still at large.
That's just 1 of many horrible instances of rampant crime here. Don't get me wrong, the majority of citizens who reside in Detroit are decent, hard working people. But the criminals are making it really bad here.

Then, a group of people unveiled a 9 foot statue of satan here. (Need I say more)?

So pray, pray, pray for our Motor City!
@Galadriel :wave:

I saw the thread in OT regarding the satanic statue. After reading both threads (here and there), I realized that God was 'UNVEILING' the spirit behind all of the violence in Detroit and now 'we' and other Intercessors in prayer, know what to pray against and see God move against it's force and evil powers.

As did 'dagon', so shall this spirit of evil fall and shall never rise again. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

I felt a surge of power when I read your post. I don't believe in sensationalism, nor as my Dear Mother would say, "puttin on," so what I felt was real and true.

GOD BLESS YOU SHIMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Praying. I'm so saddened to hear of more bloodshed and violence. And on top of that, just a few days ago they displayed and worshiped a Satanic statue in Detroit.

"Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there I am in the midst."

Galadriel, I'm expecting that my City will be released for the bondage of lawlessness because Saints like you and others have agreed in prayer with me.

May you and yours be blessed with the comforting presence of God, His Son Jesus Christ, and by the aid of The Holy Ghost!
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"Where two or three are gathered together in my Name, there I am in the midst).

Galadriel, I'm expecting that my City will be released for the bondage of lawlessness because Saints like you and others have agreed in prayer with me.

May you and yours be blessed with the comforting presence of God, the His Son Jesus Christ, by the aid of The Holy Ghost!

I felt a surge of power when I read your post. I don't believe in sensationalism, nor as my Dear Mother would say, "puttin on," so what I felt was real and true.

GOD BLESS YOU SHIMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Praise God @mensa ...

I thank God for Romans chapter 8...

"What shall we say to these things? If God be for us, who (then) shall be against us? With God on our side, we cannot be denied".

In Matthew 24 and in Mark 13, Jesus said and He made it plain... "See to it that you're not troubled..."

In Luke 10:19 ... "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you".

That statue has no power, no matter who sets it up, no matter who worships it, that statue has no power over us, and most assuredly it has no power over God. As Jesus' cursed the fig tree, so that it could no longer bear fruit and live, so also is that satanic statue cursed. It shall have no power, nor life, nor shall be allowed to be 'set' in place.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.