Praising God for His Mercy!

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Yesterday my mother fell from a small step ladder while home alone. She was trying to get something off the top shelf of a closet and fell backwards. Thankfully, she did not hit her head and ended up with only a few bruises on her back. But, she was alone and it was early in the day. My dad wouldn't have found her for 8 hours if she had really hurt herself badly. What a horrible way to start the holidays!

So, I'm just very grateful to the Lord for watching over my mom.

What are you grateful for today?
Thank God your mother was not seriously injured!

I'm thankful for my family, the opportunity to be in school, and for my health.
Aww I'm happy for you Gilb Gurl! It's amazing what God can do. =)

What a nice thread...Goodness, What am I NOT grateful for? I'm grateful for my God, my relationship with him (though I wrong Him - truthfully), the family he has given me, my health, my friends, and my school work. I'm also very grateful to be a citizen.