Praising and worshipping in church


Active Member
So I'm in a new journey with Christ and attending a new church (loving it). My church praises and worships in a way that I am not accustomed to--openly and out loud. I'm very uncomfortable praising and worshipping like this in church. I can go nuts at home knowing how good God has been to me but can't seem to let go at church. I attribute this to the fact that I'm a shy person especially in public. I find myself looking for excuses by asking myself questions like "why do we have to praise and worship out loud?" When my pastor shouts at the congregation, "Open your mouth!" or gives speeches about how we need to worship Him like David did, I often feel like I'm doing something wrong. Can anyone shed some insight on this? How can I get over this or should I just wait for the Lord to move me? God Bless.
I would like to hear answers to this question as well.
I attribute my lack of emotion to the passage;
Dear God, I Believe. I want to Believe. Help me in my unbelief.
Mark 9:23-24

It is very understandable for you to feel uncomfortable about praising and worshipping audibly or physically. It was something that I had to deal with myself. It becomes easier when the focus is more on God and less about what people will think of you. God gives us very specific commands on how he wants to be praised(with instruments, singing, shouting, dancing, clapping, etc.) Don't imitate others because of pressure that you may feel. Pray about it and let the spirit led you. Hope this helps.
It is very understandable for you to feel uncomfortable about praising and worshipping audibly or physically. It was something that I had to deal with myself. It becomes easier when the focus is more on God and less about what people will think of you. God gives us very specific commands on how he wants to be praised(with instruments, singing, shouting, dancing, clapping, etc.) Don't imitate others because of pressure that you may feel. Pray about it and let the spirit lead you. Hope this helps.

I was shy in church but I coldn't hold that Holy Ghost power in anymore. I am just a amen person in church, clapping, singing, and taping. Let the spirit lead you, pray, and read the word. Soon you will find that you can't hold it back.
I would like to hear answers to this question as well.
I attribute my lack of emotion to the passage;
Dear God, I Believe. I want to Believe. Help me in my unbelief.
Mark 9:23-24


There is a song I love that goes something like this ( in the best soulful gospel choir voice):

Take me back Oh Lord to where I first received you.
Take me back.
Take me back Oh Lord to where I first believed.

What brought you to the Lord in the First place?
Remeber what the Lord was speaking to your heart. Go back and don't forget the Blessing. We all go through struggles but it only last for a season.

PM me if you know who sings this song.

I Believe!

That was the spirit taking over again. I believe.
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There is a song I love that goes something like this ( in the best soulful gospel choir voice):

Take me back Oh Lord to where I first received you.
Take me back.
Take me back Oh Lord to where I first believed.

What brought you to the Lord in the First place?
Remeber what the Lord was speaking to your heart. Go back and don't forget the Blessing. We all go through struggles but it only last for a season.

PM me if you know who sings this song.

I Believe!

That was the spirit taking over again. I believe.

I was praise team leader this past Sunday and I chose that song as the last song for the congregation to sing.

I was feeling that myself and many people in the congregation needed to ask the Lord to take us back to that place where we first received Jesus.

My congregation is the opposite of yours and it's what makes my job as praise team leader so difficult. The majority of them don't openly praise God. But after I had them sing that song while having their own personal conversation with God, I felt that some were becoming more comfortable with outwardly showing their adoration for the Lord.
Ebonyeyes PM 'ed this song.
Andrae Crouch this man even has a star on Hollywood Blvd. I am learning and loving it. I found his story and website. He gave an interview with his sister to CBN music. Read the last reply below.

Andrae: Take me back, take me back, dear Lord to the place where I first received You. Take me back, take me back dear Lord where I first believed. In other words, we want to be reminded of what God has done in our lives and never forget. It’s not saying, “take me back and let me do the old thing” but that attitude of desiring Christ. Take me back to that attitude.

Sorry to hijack this post....but Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I was praise team leader this past Sunday and I chose that song as the last song for the congregation to sing.

I was feeling that myself and many people in the congregation needed to ask the Lord to take us back to that place where we first received Jesus.

My congregation is the opposite of yours and it's what makes my job as praise team leader so difficult. The majority of them don't openly praise God. But after I had them sing that song while having their own personal conversation with God, I felt that some were becoming more comfortable with outwardly showing their adoration for the Lord.
There is a song I love that goes something like this ( in the best soulful gospel choir voice):

Take me back Oh Lord to where I first received you.
Take me back.
Take me back Oh Lord to where I first believed.

What brought you to the Lord in the First place?
Remeber what the Lord was speaking to your heart. Go back and don't forget the Blessing. We all go through struggles but it only last for a season.

PM me if you know who sings this song.

I Believe!

That was the spirit taking over again. I believe.
I believe its either Andre Crouch or Walter Hawkins. They were the 70's Kirk Franklin and Donnie McClurkin.
Thanks for all the responses ladies. I think I will let the Holy Spirit lead me. It does feel forced and uncomfortable when I try too hard to do something I've never done before. God has been so good to me and I never fail to let Him know how much I love Him. I just can't express it out loud in public. Like andreab, I know eventually I won't be able to hold back. I've just got to wait for God's timing. God Bless.