Praise report!


Active Member
Earlier in the year I requested prayer for a difficult time I was experiencing in school.

I can say that God really carried me through. I was in my senior year of college and my father had passed in the middle of the first semester of that year. I took a week or so off school and I returned to try and finish my degree. Of course even though I was at school and I was going through the motions I found it really hard to concentrate and focus. I was with my father when he passed and in that final hour I learned a terrible secret of his. The combination of the secret and seeing my father die took and enormous toll and it is only by the grace of God that I was able to graduate on time. God moved mountains for me in that last year of school. Things that seemed impossible happened for me that year. I just want to say to anyone who might be struggling right now, that God is able. Just trust him even if it seems unlikely. He can turn it around. Be encouraged.