Praise Report - Thank You Jesus!!!


New Member
Hi Ya'll....I posted awhile ago and also recently regarding how discouraged I was re: financial issues.
I was going through a very difficult time in Aug/Sept. I was stressed and was unable to focus on my school work so I decided to drop my classes until I was mentally able to handle them. I was approved for financial aid but once I dropped my courses it was taken away. I didn't realize that this was going to happen. I contacted the financial aid office to set up a payment plan. They responded with wanting me to pay something ridiculous like $400/mthl for 6 months. Um...I don't have an EXTRA $400 a month in my budget to give that school. I prayed that somehow someway the Lord would see fit to not have my acct transferred to a collection dept.

Today I received an email stating that their records indicated that I was interested in summer classes and to respond with a yes so that the aid could be processed. I responded and attempted to register for my summer classes. Only I find out that of course my acct was transferred to a collection agency and I can't register for classes until my acct is settled. Now since I'm not in school my loan is not in deferrment status and I have to start repayment.

Lord knows it would have been better for me to just flunk out. AT LEAST the aid would have paid for it and I wouldn't have to start paying back this loan. I"M SOOOOOO ANGRY!! I can recall asking God for guidance in what I should do. Should I stay in school while I'm stressed with the addt'l pressure that I put on myself to succeed. Should I take a much needed break. I'm mad because I prayed and the Lord knows the future....he knew that on March 23rd I would wonder why I wasn't led in a different direction. I made a decision based on the information I had. I didn't realize that my aid would be cancelled..I didn't know that the school would only allow me to pay them back in a 6mth period. I DIDN'T KNOW AND HE DID!!! Why didn't he send someone my way to inform me. To show me another option. WHY DO I HAVE TO BE IN DEBT AND DEPRESSED!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO ME BEING THE HEAD AND NOT THE TAIL!!!
WELLLLLL I'm seeing the light and my prayers are being answered. He hasn't forgotten me. I just received a call from my school. She said she's following up with me because she received a response from me (musta been 2 mths ago) stating that I was interested in attending summer classes. She said she's also aware that my account has been transferred to collections because of an unpaid balance. As a result of my balance I can't register for any classes until the balance is satisfied. I told her that I understood. So she says that since I've been awarded financial aid that she wants to apply that aid to the previous balance. I'll have to register for at least 6 credits to keep my aid. The only downside is that I'll incur a $400 fee from the University as a result of them using a collections agency. Once the aid is applied to my old balance I'll still have enough to pay for my 6 credits and I won't have to pay out of pocket. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!! I can go back to school!!!!!! My job offers me tuition reimbursement....I'll be reimbursed for my summer courses. Not the courses that I withdrew from in the fall, but that's okay at least I won't be in collections. She's faxing me my financial aid award letter for me to sign and an authorization letter to apply some of those funds to my old balance. I'm an sooooo grateful Jesus!!! Thank you all for your prayers!!!!
Thank ya'll....what really gets me is that she called MEEEE!!! just out of the blue....its amazing. I began to feel just sooo down because I want to pursue my degree...I didn't know when I would get this resolved. My education was on hold indefinitely as well as my credit being jeopardized. I'm beyond grateful!!!!
Congrats!!! :yay: I kept you in my prayers about this. God is definitley great. The more 'praise reports' I hear the more I know my prayers never go unanswered and it's just a question of time and patience.